Deströyer 666 US Tour Dates

oh yeah, this joint that D666 played in was a freaking timewarp to either Norway circa 1991 or the early scene from a Hellhammer gig.

the grimmest fuckers ever there. not one happy soul around. Dark One will back me up on this as we were laughing our asses off and kind of felt guilty for smiling :loco:

all night ... well before D666 came on ... I kept thinking ... NOW I understand why people make fun of metal in some circles.

and Zod's necro "you're welcome" ... that made the evening for me (don't ask) :lol:
I kind of dug the place, even though it felt eerie for the first 30 minutes.
A few photos ...

ADARTH ... it seems they were from Columbia ... they played very convincing early style BM, with the repetitious riffing i love ... I don't think anyone in our group was sold, but I dug these guys. Good theatrics ...

DISCORDIA ... oh man ... just fucking wall of noise. 5 spanish guys on this small stage including 2 that were pretty robust. Crowd seemed to be into them but it was time to head outside. And the most annoying sounding frontman ever. Goats heads and pentagrams and a huge barbed wire wrapped inverted cross ... that I was laughing as one of their "roadies" had no idea where to place, as the stage was so small

DESTROYER666 ... what elese can I say ... it was mayhem as soon as they started. Totally intense band ... but the strange part there was not one piece of merchandise anywhere to be found.



and the irony of it all ... the most immaculate bathroom EVER at a club. I think Spanish guys are whipped by their women ... "jew aim in bol and clean up after" :loco:

dorian gray said:
Are they wearing make-up?

no makeup ... actually they look like some good ole German thrash band ... too bad they are from Aussie land, as they are real fucking pros and surely could a big crowd/stage easily if given the oppotunity at some bigger tours.
lurch70 said:
no makeup ... actually they look like some good ole German thrash band ... too bad they are from Aussie land, as they are real fucking pros and surely could a big crowd/stage easily if given the oppotunity at some bigger tours.

They're dutch now!
Reign in Acai said:
That toilet is way too clean. I bet it easily removes, unveiling a secret passage way to Guadalajara.

:lol: ... that's what it reminded me of ... freaking FDTD

Climb Thar Hill said:
Jerry refuses to go due to an abundance of niggerdom :kickass: . I intend on going, it's still up in there air though.

Out of curiosity (as I'm still on the fence) where do you buy tickets to this shindig? Are two bootlipped bamboons named Jamar and Krebel scalping tickets to the show outside of the westchester grill on the day of? I just called the one and only metal record store in the Baja Angeles area and they said the promoter never dropped off tickets. Well fuckedlydoodly.

In other news, I just purchased tickets to Blind Guardian and Gojira! :kickass:
Erik said:
yeah, like cv said, they relocated to holland a couple of years ago for the band's sake. that's dedication

Sure, if dedication means "lets move to Europe and then spread-the-fuck out so we can never jam". Keith lives in Holland, but their drummer lives in Germany, and guitarist and bassist live in England.

Regardless, they seem to have gotten it together. Grand times.