Amorphis U.S. Tour Dates Announced

Amorphis + Leaves' Eyes + Samael + Virgin Black

Sep. 27 - Charlotte, NC @ Tremont Music Hall
Sep. 28 - West Springfield, VA @ Jaxx
Sep. 29 - New York City, NY @ BB Kings
Sep. 30 - Philadelphia, PA @ Trocadero Theater
Oct. 01 - Poughkeepsie, NY @ The Chance Theater
Oct. 02 - Worcester, MA @ Palladium
Oct. 03 - Montreal, QC @ Foufounes Electriques
Oct. 04 - Toronto, ON @ Opera House
Oct. 05 - Cleveland, OH @ Peabody's
Oct. 06 - Mokena, IL @ The Pearl Room
Oct. 07 - St Paul, MN @ Station 4
Oct. 09 - Spokane, WA @ Big Easy Concert House
Oct. 10 - Seattle, WA @ El Corazon
Oct. 11 - Portland, OR @ Hawthorne Theater
Oct. 12 - San Francisco, CA @ Slim's
Oct. 13 - West Hollywood, CA @ House of Blues
Oct. 14 - Phoenix, AZ @ Brickhouse
Oct. 16 - Ft Worth, TX @ Ridglea Theater
Oct. 17 - San Antonio, TX @ Scout Bar
Oct. 18 - Houston, TX @ Scout Bar

Leaves' Eyes AND Samael AND Virgin Black!!!!!!!!!!!
No *additional* Atlanta date is no surprise. But wait a minute... the NC date is the same night as the 2nd night of ProgPower?? :waah:
At least they open IN ATL. Hate to miss Leaves' Eyes, though.
Amorphis are doing better than ever :rock:

Both Eclipse and Silent Waters have been certified gold status for the sales of 15,000 copies each in Finland. The gold discs, presented to the band members at the Finnish Metal Expo in Helsinki on February 15, 2008, are the first ever in the almost 18-year history of Amorphis. As Esa stated at the presentation - “a minor occasion for the music industry, but a major achievement for us!”

Just a week earlier Amorphis had played at the Romexpo in Bucharest, Romania. Thanks to six songs from the gig and an interview with the band can be viewed *here*


Normally I wouldn't be able to afford two long drives to a show in such a short time, but I'll be saving early for this tour.
Fuck yes Samael. I'd be willing to drive to Jaxx directly after PP to see them if they were headlining, but it's going to be tough to do in a lesser spot.

Maybe they play PP instead of Amorphis :D
Maybe they play PP instead of Amorphis :D

Maybe they play ProgPower next year and we continue this trend of TRUE progressive bands.

Seriously, though: Samael started their career as a pretty gritty black metal band a-la Hellhammer, but then switched directions and progressed into the electronic/industrial metal juggernaut they are today. Their style is pretty one-of-a-kind, and I'd imagine their stage show to be extremely intriguing.

If Amorphis is fair game, I say we give bands with similar approaches and genre-expanding styles a shot--Arcturus (as an example) comes to mind, as does the late Green Carnation, or bands like Ulver, Woods of Ypres, Sigh, Agalloch, Skyclad, Virgin Black, or Vintersorg. Anyone else agree?
Maybe they play ProgPower next year and we continue this trend of TRUE progressive bands.

Seriously, though: Samael started their career as a pretty gritty black metal band a-la Hellhammer, but then switched directions and progressed into the electronic/industrial metal juggernaut they are today. Their style is pretty one-of-a-kind, and I'd imagine their stage show to be extremely intriguing.

If Amorphis is fair game, I say we give bands with similar approaches and genre-expanding styles a shot--Arcturus (as an example) comes to mind, as does the late Green Carnation, or bands like Ulver, Woods of Ypres, Sigh, Agalloch, Skyclad, Virgin Black, or Vintersorg. Anyone else agree?

I would wet myself if I ever had the chance to see Ulver.
I'm so there for Virgin Black. It would be awesome if they did stuff from the two requiem albums almost exclusively, since they already did some older stuff on last year's tour. It would be doubly awesome if after the release of the final part of the requiem, they put out a live DVD of the complete requiem containing all three parts !!! (drool)
They will not be doing any more shows this year. Agalloch.

They have become increasingly more elusive on the live front (not that they were all that easy to see in the past) in the last few years, especially here in the States. I wish I would have saved the money and gone up to Canada for Day of the Equinox (that lineup was BRILLIANT).

I do know one thing, though: I need to see Agalloch before I die. Seriously, I'd wet myself.