Dev cocksucking

Mar 30, 2003
on Earth
Pls do not misunderstand me: i AM a fan, since a long time (City).
But i keep being embarassed by all you guys cocksucking Devin.

He's IS amongst the greatest of guitarplayers and composers.
He's got so much talent for that.
But keep saying "Devin's great" -"yeah, insnt he" -"yeah man, he's the greatest" -
"i've never heard such a magnificent solo in my life!" bulking on top of each and
every quote really gets me agitated. On most occasions i get the feeling that
there's no dividing line between the artist and the person that is Devin Townsend
in this forum.

Yeah, I get the support i need in the music to get by and have magnificent
moments of enjoyment thru his music, but that doesnt mean i worship the guy.
the artist i see him as, is for me a rolemodel to utterly exploit my own creativity.
therefore, i'm thankful to be aquainted to Devin's music.

Just ask Tracy, read the lyrics or whatever: i think he can be a lowlife bastard,
who must be very hard to live/work with at times. i know he's got his bipolar
condition mainly under control, but then again i could imagine him be a selfish brat
once in a while.

but please, please admire the art he makes, the musical difference he brings, but
please stay down to earth on his doings. there are so many other people around
this globe who might deserve a similar admiration even more, and dont get the
acknowledgement they deserve...

and remember: Devin makes his music for self-therapeutic purposes (except
for the lastest SYL), and last but not least:

...and music? Well, it's just entertainment folks!

btw, i think AE isn't that of a masterpiece, compared to OM and Infinity. ;)
yeah, "it's just entertainment"! music is entertainment and Devin's music is just great entertainment. but if you're fascinated with the music, why not say something like "omg that solo is godlike!" ? it's an emotional thing, I guess.
on the other hand, it's wrong to praise everything he does, just because it's Devin. I've got no problem to say that, for example, Slow Me Down more or less sucks or that the new SYL can't compete with City. But I don't think this board is overly "cocksucking" anyway.
Not everything Dev does is a masterwork, and I haven't seen anyone on this board claim this.

a lot of people(not me) don't like pysiscit(Fuck spelling)
And I don't particularly care for most of Terria.
Earth day in particular seems a bit self indulgent at times.

But this is a fan forum, so did you really expect a critical disscction and analysis of devins work?
Ihreil Junkenstein said:
But this is a fan forum, so did you really expect a critical disscction and analysis of devins work?

expecting, no. hoping for a more in-depth why & how interpretation of the material, yes.

Speaking of talents gifted by The Source: imho, Devin is a perfect example of how i would like to interpret my own talents - get yer shit out of yer system, and exploit your talent as far as possible.
The Perfection in the way he is constructed... Out of this world!! (it is actually... ;)

The way he seeks for the best possible combination of influences and composition really amazes me :yow: but on the other hand; there was probably no other way the person Devin Townsend could have done it, to make it this spectaculair, intimate and/or truthful.. Thoughout the discography of his (projects), it's been like that.

actually, whenever there was new material released (i started with City), i felt the same way. when i just got City, i was working at this horrible food-factory (sauces, peanutbutter, :zzz: ) and i had (almost exact/)similar feelings about the place where i worked, people i worked with, dreams i had yet unfulfilled, girls, personal frustration - the lot.
Ocean Machine - same shit, etcetera...

imo the whole of Devin's concept fits together - the dramatism, anger and devotion. that's what's DT is for me - SPIT IT OUT kinda way, but in the best possible overwhelming manner :hypno: :hotjump: :OMG: :yell: :cool: :Smug: :rock: :Smokin: :Puke: :muahaha: :lol: :mad: :wave:
i could go on like this forever - seems that every smiley fits the music :Spin:

when i first heard Dev's stuff, i thought: this is the way i would make music, if i were to make it. And i DO make music, and it's so hard not to be a rip-off!! :erk: But then again, everyone's different; it's in the Eye of the Beholder innit?

be what thou art. art what thou whilt to be.

Come on TOTT, we post on the same forums... I listen to thousands of bands (700 CD's, 23 years old :grin: ), but I've never heard something as high as Dev's music... Sorry, but he's my MUSICAL GOD!
And I must admit that I'm deeply touched by his lyrics too, even those from AE...
Thortyir said:
Come on TOTT, we post on the same forums...
Mate, it's not about loyalty - i was just a bit pissed about... the easy cliche-like means of uttering... well whatever.. ;)

Sorry, but he's my MUSICAL GOD!
And I must admit that I'm deeply touched by his lyrics too, even those from AE...
i definately know what u mean mate, i've just sent my best (female) mate (my ex-gf to be specific) an email, only quoting the lyrics of Slow Me Down...
i can definately relate to the lyrics, as you do, and many others roaming/dwelling on these forums :Spin:

but that wasnt what i was on about before.
Extreme Devy fanaticism as an alienating force is a known phenomenon. Some of my old Dev-ite friends are in hiding from the newer generation. I ran into crap at work from one of the artists on the roster. He knew several Devy fans and his experiences with them were such that he wasn't sure I was rational enough to do my job. And believe me, I'm glad noone knows about the official forum's band Q+A feature in light of certain recent threads. There are some people who go beyond justifiable passion for the music into downright creepy areas. Personally, I find them to be very ignorable anywhere but shows.

I'm glad noone knows about the official forum's band Q+A feature in light of certain recent threads.

but it's Kleo, the mod from Carl reznor's official forum...
shit !!! you lost your way ???
Oh, I pass through here de temps en temps man. Just don't tend to post on Devy forums in general.

Macabre_Transmigrant said:
shutup, dude

As I read through all that CRAP in the original post, (and I mean pure pointless verbal ejaculate, obviously) my mind was fumbling through the proper phrases to be used to tell this guy what a fool he is. However, after reading the above I realize it really can't be done any better than this.
Metal88 said:
As I read through all that CRAP in the original post, (and I mean pure pointless verbal ejaculate, obviously) my mind was fumbling through the proper phrases to be used to tell this guy what a fool he is. However, after reading the above I realize it really can't be done any better than this.

now *thats* a good argument!
thanx for your feedback, yer one of over 21,000 ppl viewing the post agreeing on that probably.

"Hurt me! I can take it!!!"

Yes well, I certainly hope you accomplished what it was you had set out to do when you started this thread. I mean you must had a very deep an intelligent purpose for writing all that -- and it was very important to. I can see why you started this thread. Did you get the results you wanted? Hehehe.