Devin Townsend - Addicted

Pitiless Wanderer

Active Member
Jun 14, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
Given the fact that I've been a fan of Devin for over ten years and have become used to the flooring that axiomatically follows the initial exposure to each release, I don't know why I am always in utter bewilderment after I listen to a new record by this musical genius. I should be used to it by now. I'm glad I'm still getting the euphoria, though, and it hasn't hit me like this since Ziltoid (not that long ago, really, I admit). But, go get this medium and listen to it, please. It's beautiful, and alien. The song writing is unparalleled, the melodies are gut wrenching and the aftermath of the succession of these ten songs is an aural residue almost palpable. So good it hurts. :headbang:
As much as I was ready to despise this, I'm struggling to find fault, but I'm just a biased Ocean Machine lover.


I literally just sat, jaw slack, at The Way Home.
Tracks sound good and definitely more interesting than Ki did. Anneke's input especially.
Still waiting on my copy. OP, consider using a thesaurus to make your posts sound *less* like that...

Axiomatically? Are we discussing the metaphysical implications of new DT albums and their relation to syntactical prestidigitation?

"Indubitably, good fellow. Forsooth, the aforementioned doth rock!"

As I type this the last song is wrapping up... and I must say... I'm very happy with it. Devin Townsend at his best.
