Devin Townsend - Ziltoid the Omniscient

Pitiless Wanderer

Active Member
Jun 14, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
Has anyone heard the newest Devin Townsend album? It's just mindblowing. I am a huge fan as you can see by my username....and I was pretty upset that the last DTB album was pretty much crap, save for a few songs.

But, this new album is just so good....hard to describe - a concept/story album with Devin actually playing the roles of the few characters and telling the's kinda like listening to a movie without actually being able to see it.

The music though - it's just so cool sounding - futuristic and pretty heavy with some of the best melodies, both vocal and musical that he has done in a long time. Some of it is jaw droppingly good and the album is just so much fun to listen to even as background music, but if you listen with headphones you can hear all the cool little tidbits he added that really make the album come alive.

It's ironic because the story is just cheesey as hell - its about some space alien named Ziltoid who comes to earth in search of a cup of coffee (no im not kidding), but don't let this put you off. Awesome music has been created here.

Definitely not everyone's cup of tea, but for the Devin faithful I think you'll really enjoy it.

A highly recommended album.
I lost track of Devin after the mediocrity of Accelerated Evolution. And after seeing the video of one of the Synchestra songs didn't even bother with that.

I will be checking this out though. His older stuff is great.
CAIRATH: Synchestra is Devin's best album aside from Terria. Check it out.

Ziltoid is good but sounds like the left overs of The New Black and Synchestra.
Can someone explain what Devin Townsend's music is like. I cant stand strapping young lad but i know he worked with steve vai(great music). What are some albums i could pick up and enjoy.
One thing that can definitely be said of Devin Townsend's music is that it has a very unique sound. He doesn't sound like anyone else. For the most part it always seems to me that people are very polarized towards him. Either they think he is brilliant or they totally hate him. I'd say check out the albums Oceanmachine - Biomech and Terria and make up your own mind.

SYL is a different animal altogether. I personally love City but I think most of the other SYL output has been pretty unessential. City was Devin at his angriest and most driven. The album before and the albums after it always seemed like either just goofing off or contractual obligations to me (especially after reading interviews about his opinion on the latest SYL album).
I'd order them like this:

Terria > Synchestra > Infinity > Ocean Machine > Ziltoid > Physicist > Accelerated Evolution
I can't really rank them. Oceanmachine is my favourite, and I'd put Terria, Infinity and Physicist (a lot of people seem to dislike it but I enjoy it a lot) pretty close together. And then Accelerated Evolution way below that.

I have not heard enough of Synchestra to really have an opinion on it. I suppose I'll still give it a chance sometime.
terria is good but i dont know why people classify it as his best achievement. infinity is clearly his best album as far as songwriting goes. the man locked himself in his basement for a year to write it for fucks sake.
Terria is the best thing he's ever done, and ever will do. Synchestra was a slight dissapointment, but I'm really digging Ziltoid.
Synchestra is my 2nd after favourite, right behind Ocean Machine!

shit, somehow I haven't heard anything about this Ziltoid album! thanks!
I have been disappointed with dev's stuff since accelarated evolution.
Alien was ok, some good moments, the new black just didn't do anything for me.
Synchestra also didn't do much, he just doesn't surprise me anymore, is more of the same, and not as good as what he used to do.

To me Terria, Ocean Machine and Infinity are amazing records, and physicist is really good, i like it a lot too.

I remember in an interview in which he said his next music would sound like iceland or something while pointing to a picture of it.
Now that would be something i would want to hear, like Terria cold version.

I haven't heard the Ziltoid thing, must check it out.
Devin is the mad scientist of metal.

I haven't heard the new one yet (will check the link for any tunes) - however I was addicted to Vampira for a while from Synchestra! That song was catchy as hell (and the video was ballsy - ala the new album cover).
Cant wait to hear Ziltoid...
I should give Terria another chance since I recently read somewhere that Its one of those albums that takes months or even years to grow on you...dunno why...but at first listen it was just too strange
Ocean Machine is the only release I really enjoy from him. He seems to want to be Frank Zappa on Infinity, parodying different styles within the context of his own sound, and I didn't find myself enjoying it anywhere near the level to which I enjoy Zappa. Physicist I found boring, just like all of Strapping Young Lad's catalogue... Terria sounds like a really long tribute to Rush.