Devin Townsend

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
Okay, I have owned Terria for forever now and absolutely love it. Sadly though, it;s the only album I have ever checked out from him, besides SYL's City. I am thinking of getting Infinity or Ocean Machine - Biomech. Can I get some discussion por favor?

I still say to this day that that mid part on Deep Peace is one of the greatest pieces of music EVER written. Simply mind-blowingly beautiful.
If Terria blows you away, Ocean Machine - Biomech is a must. Very much in the same vein. Monstrous riffs with a very earthy mood, and reflective moments as well.

Infinity is probably his most "quirky", to use your word, with an almost free form feel to it. It's not my favorite, but I do enjoy it.

Ziltoid is just stupid fun. Not essential, but it does have some great moments.

Synchestra, I'm sorry to say, is his worst. Very boring.

Accelerated Evolution is another good one. Take the Terria feel, but just make the songs more basic.

In short, stick with Terria, Ocean Machine, Infinity, and AE.
Yeah go with Ocean Machine. Then Infinity. Then Accelerated Evolution. Then Physicist. Then Synchestra. Then Ziltoid. You could skip Synchestra and go directly to Ziltoid.
forgot Physicist. That's the heaviest of them all, sorta SYL-lite, but better. I really enjoy that one.
Terria and Ocean Machine are the greatest pieces of music this guy has created. So go with Ocean Machine.

Infinity and Accelerated Evolution come after

Do not even bother with Synchestra...I myself never bothered to check out Ziltoid though
I say get Ocean Machine and Accelerated Evolution and go from there, though you really can't go wrong with any Devin Townsend or Strapping Young Lad album. The possible exception might be Ziltoid. It's a very fun and humorous album that really does merit giving a full listen, but it didn't stick with me the way that most DT albums or SYL albums like Alien ,City, and The New Black did.

edit - and you really can go wrong with Devin/SYL albums. Post City and SYL goes rapidly down the drain, same deal with his solo stuff. Post AE and stuff goes down hill.
All Devin is worth checking out. I absolutely love Infinity and Terria. My two favorites. Ocean Machine is a close 3rd, and I also really like Ziltoid for some strange reason. Synchestra is the worst but all are worth checking out.
anyone ever check out Ki? he's got another one coming out next month.

Ki's a grower. I disliked it alot at first side for a couple of songs, but after a while I guess it's ok. I can't wait for the next one. Devin Townsend is my favorite musician, and what's up with all the Synchestra hate in here? My second fav definitely.
Ki kinda sucks, but it does have some quality tracks such as "Coast" and "Winter." 6/10
Yeah go with Ocean Machine. Then Infinity. Then Accelerated Evolution. Then Physicist. Then Synchestra. Then Ziltoid. You could skip Synchestra and go directly to Ziltoid.

Tried to listen to Synchestra again the other day and well, eh. I am putting "Vampolka" and "Vampira" on my Halloween party soundtrack though haha.

Should mention that the Christine EP is worth having as well, because "Sit In The Mountain" is just about the best song ever.
You people are on crack. Synchestra has amazing songs on it. Mental Tan, Gaia, Pixillate, about a series of perfect tracks. Basically take out tracks 4-6 and every other track is amazing. I'd still put it behind Ocean Machine, Terria and Infinity (maybe this one) though, but that's not saying much. Ziltoid is pretty lame lame. AE and Physicist are good, but I never find myself reaching for them when in the mood for Devin Townsend.
Addicted sounds like it will be pretty cool. And you'd be doing yourself a disservice skipping Synchestra. Also, you probably want to avoid Devlab and Hummer- long, drawn out ambient material.