Devin Townsend

shivering corpse

Ty Cobbb
Sep 20, 2002
I've always heard the name Devin Townsend, never payed much attention to it, and I had never heard any of his music. (Solo or SYL)

But I've heard things about him, so I went to to check out some of his stuff...i'm really really impressed.
He seems to be a bit of a genius.
I really like "suicide," "storm," and "canada."

so what would you devy fans recommend me get now?
I'm thinking between Accelerated Evolution or Terria.
normally i'd say get'em all but this doesnt help really i guess...

if you like more pop-like melodies get AE, if you like it a bit more metal get terria. they are both great...

well...get terria!
Does anybody think this guy looks totally rediculous? I mean, I see pics of him, and I can't do anything but laugh, mainly due to the fact he's trying to be metal, but he looks like an old balding man. Its great.

Not dissing his music, though.
The Master said:
Does anybody think this guy looks totally rediculous? I mean, I see pics of him, and I can't do anything but laugh, mainly due to the fact he's trying to be metal, but he looks like an old balding man. Its great.

Not dissing his music, though.

I really don't give a shit what he looks like. I'd marry him any day. He's absolutely fuckin' unbelievable. Being the guitar nerd that I am, I first heard him on the Steve Vai stuff and then I heard his vocals on the James Murphy solo stuff. I haven't been able to stop listening to Accelerated Evolution the last few weeks. I think the song Deadhead, kept me alive the other night when I had another one of my fucking breakdowns...
i love his music but what's with the new band name? the devin townsend band, sound like the dave matthew band.
Terria, Ocean Machine, and Infinity are probably my top 3. I have been hooked on those 3 albums for the past month, they are truly amazing, Townsend is great. As to the album suggestion, you can't go wrong with any of them really. Physcist is the only one that isn't totally amazing, a bit lighter, it doesn't seem as deep as say Ocean Machine or Terria, but I still enjoy it, just not quite as much.

Oh, and for Strapping Young Lad, City by a mile for me.
Yeah, when I saw a photo of Devin on the booklet of the SYL album, I was like: 'HOLY FUCK, CRAZY LOOKING!'

Haha, he's still greater than god, even if he does look like a mad clown. :p

I recommend City, which is my favourite Devin album and one of the best metal albums ever. Strapping Young Lad that is.
Lol, such an old thread. So much has happened since then, Devy is one of my idols. He's such a fucking great singer, songwriter, artist and he's hilarious as fuck! :rofl: