Devy's holiday message


student of the d'eh
From:_ HevyDevy Records <hevydevy@s...>
Date:_ Wed_Dec_25,_2002_ 8:13 pm
Subject:_ From The Dev

Merry Christmas everybody!!!

Be safe! Here's to safety, love and comfort!

This year is going to be crazy. I wish all of you and yours safety in
these times.

It's fucking retarded to think that anyone actually cares, but I'm at
the computer after family dinner (FUCK!!! That's hard...) and I feel
like writing, which is rare. So if you care, and can view this as
something other than an advertisement, here we go...

My new two records are necessary. I think you'll soon see why. Enjoy
them for what they are. A metal record and a hard rock / pop record. And
really good at that!! I gets different from here on out, but these two
were plugging up the system they are! ...not to be repeated,
so please enjoy!

Times will be hard... War and all that...

Find solace in your passions? I don't know. Nothing makes sense.

I just have a feeling that there is reason to the rhyme. It's all too
mathematical... Too perfect.

I believe in music, but I don't believe in fame. I.e.: Keep your
distance and things will be fine. I realize now in hindsight how much I
projected on Perry Ferrell. Drugs. Personal experience. Rending yourself
through personal suffering in order to put food on the table. Fucking
gross right? Well there I am.

People are looking for something to invest themselves in in these times.
Soon there will be plague and's easy to milk it at the moment.
Just analyze and use that to give 'em what they want.

But what do I want!?

Nothing. That's the point. I'm existential as opposed to Nihilistic just
to give myself something to do. I've died before. Mix the two and we
should have them by the balls.

If this is a forum to vent... cool. If this is an appropriate place to
talk about ME...well then;

My next record will be really weird.

SYL is great. Trust me...give it time. Think of it as a metal band and
you'll love it.

DTB is great. Really immediate songs in the vein of my solo stuff. So
gosh-darned emotional-n-stuff.

They needed to be done for a number of reasons, but by no means is it
indicative of the future. These two records close this chapter. The next
stuff will be really weird I think.

I hate interviews and photos. If you like the music, Fine. If you
don't...That's really fine too. Go away now.

Kissy faces and questions directed towards making you feel more
enlightened than you really are.

My opinions change hourly, I hide and lie all the time. I'm lying now.

I'll see you guys on the other side, I wish you all peace and harmony.
(to oppose the inevitable war and dissonance)

Go to The
