DF support announced

I am 1 of the biggest dragonforce fans out there and I know that I wudv luvd 2 have seen Power Quest supporting them !!! It wud ahve made my nite so much betta, I admit that I luvd Godsize n Mendeed wer alrite but PQ wudv bin soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much betta than both of those put 2geva :headbang:
I didnt think mendeed were that bad... the drummer made the band for me
dont get me wrong tho PQ woulda been the perfect supporting band :/, shame really
The drummer? They guy who looked like he was in Hanson? Hehe yeah he was pretty good, and was smiling the whole way through, unlike the angry bass player :D

I thought, despite playing to the wrong crowd, they handled it very well, even shaking hands after their set with that twat in the red t-shirt doing the YMCA throught thier songs.
Robbie Nekoda said:

The hell?! Ain't heard that one before! :loco:

I find it very disappointing that PowerQuest aren't considered 'big enough' when, without all these DragonForce support slots, I doubt Mendeed would have ever been heard of outside Scotland. Thinking about it, though, you do have to put things in perspective a bit. We all take PowerQuest for granted, I suppose, because we've been listening to them for years, follow each album, and post regularly here. So to us, they could well be bigger than The Beatles :p but think about your average Joe. The publicity and exposure is slowly growing but your average Metal fan probably still don't know PowerQuest. HMV down here is the only shop stocking any albums (just the second one now) and they'll have to run out back to grab you one. Our local indie shop seems to be having tremendous difficulties finding the new album. Only three or four of my mates (so far) are familiar with the band.
That says, this whole match-up is quite a wasted opportunity. I see some opportunism here of the same type that gave us Funeral For A Faghat+Iron Maiden - sticking a lowest common denominator band in the support slot so the trend kids will like the main band more. While a big band like Iron Maiden will attract those kind of part-time fans, I don't think that DragonForce are that far down the line yet. Putting a similar band like PQ in that slot would've made much more sense and pleased a lot more people, regardless of whether or not they'd've heard of PQ before.

I'm still wondering how the hell a band is supposed to get "big enough" for these support slots when they're not allowed opportunities like these to make them bigger!

As for Mendeed themselves though, they did win we over at the DF gig in Exeter. For the first few songs I thought they were an Avenged Sevenfold-ripoff but the lead guitarist and drummer won me over, and the songs got better and more enjoyable. I liked how they used clean vocals sparingly to touch up a song, as opposed to fagging it out completely like an emo band would (and I started off thinking these guys were 'emodeath' but I think they're a bit better). They put good energy into the show and in the end I approved. Wouldn't listen to them at home but I'd probably go see 'em live again.
They were truely awful. Definitely the worst band I've ever had to listen to for half an hour. If I wasn't holding my position on the barrier...I'd have been at the bar trying to block it all out.

NB: I was at Exeter too!
i went 2 leeds and the PA system was shite, kept cutting off, so then i booked last min tickets n went 2 the liverpool show aswell. Both shows were ace!
i saw df with mendeed on the 22nd and mendeed were awful, and they didnt go down well at all with the df crowd, most people ignored them or booed them or some other insulting gesture... pq would have kicked ass at that gig!! not big enough my arse!!!! i guarantee mor people will have heard of pq than mendeed. i did my usual talking to random people at bloodstock and found pq have a huge fanbase!! most people i talked to loved you guys, and those that didnt i argued your case as best i could :p
Tonberry said:
even shaking hands after their set with that twat in the red t-shirt doing the YMCA throught thier songs.

lol i was standing next to that guy, and it wasnt just the ymca he did, it was the macarena and other silly dances. the singer said something to him halfway through the set but i couldnt understand him lol!! and the drummer wasn't exactly smiling... more puffing lol