DF - live album news

Just like walking down memory lane dude! lol! But most of you know one of my mottos in life......never go back! lol!

Hell yea, good to break out the old songs, I might only be 17 but I can break out my old bands material and laugh at how different everything is, some is just trash but some would be great if I polished it up a bit! Yea we know if its not good enough once its done. Maybe give it to Gene Simmons? He would claim it as his own though (Dio joke if anyone doesn't get it)
hahaha! It was funny actually flicking through that old A4 notebook from back then.......a number of songs in there that were written in the DragonHeart days and never got taken forward to PQ. I'd forgotten about them to be honest......songs like "Soldiers of Fear" and "Assasin". There was also a song called "Last Sword of Power" which eventually became what we all know as "Far Away"

I want to hear the lyrics to those songs.
Since this is now out (in UK at least), what's people's opinions?

Haven't listened to it all yet (currently on Soldiers of the Wasteland) but its ok, what you'd expect from a live CD

The mix isn't perfect (although its hard to get crowd noise along with all the instruments being played)

Solid performances all round, with no indication of any studio overdubs

Will say though, glad that ZP hasn't joined PQ. Every now and then he sounds slightly out of breath and the swearing is excessive (definitely wouldn't suit a PQ live set)
I really like it overall. The tracklist is very good, although I would've preferred Revolution Deathsquad or something from Valley of the Damned (Heart of a Dragon preferably!) over Strike of the Ninja, other than that, spot on in this area.

It sounds really good, the drums in partcular I think sound awesome, and it sounds different as well from the Studio albums, which I think is very important. No point having a Live album where most or all of the songs sound too similar to their Studio versions!

As for Overdubs, Through the Fire and Flames. Enough said. But it doesn't bother me if I'm honest. Quite a few live albums by various bands claim no overdubs have been used and they're always bullshitting!

Out of the four times I've seen Dragonforce live, I've always enjoyed it immensely and I still maintain that they are the most enjoyable band I have witnessed so far live and I've always found what they say and their antics between songs to be very funny.

On this album however, it comes across as very irrirating for some reason, even though it is a realistic representation of the kinda stuff they come out with between songs! I guess when you get the comments mixed in with all the humourous gestures and actions they perform during performances, it works a lot better.

I think ZP sounds pretty good most of the time on it, but yeah sounds like he struggles on one or two bits. I agree he swears a little too much though, but again it's not something that I really noticed when I've actually seen them live, but on this CD, it's too obvious and a bit annoying!

But overall, a great live album I think.
By the way, I actually just checked my Valley of the Damned re-release, and Steve does get his due music-and-lyrics credit for Where Dragons Rule.

Does he get it on the live album booklet, too? I'm so happy that song made the live album. A bizarre choice, but really pleasing for me.

P.S.: Steve! Do you have any idea what on earth ZP is doing these days? Besides probably a lot of pot? :p
Only thing I like about this album is the way the chorus to Operation Ground and Pound sounds. It sounds clearer and less chaotic due to all the layering removed.

Otherwise, lol.
This album kicks ass anyone who hasn't heard the album needs too. This further proves that DragonForce can play their songs live. i had my friend listen to Fury of the Storm and he didn't realize it was live until i told him lol. :) Can't wait to hear the next album.
Seeing as we're taking trips down memory lane... does anyone remember Herman and the lads hanging out on the old terrorizer forum/chatroom? I got to know him quite well through that and ended up hanging out with him and some other friends at Wacken 2000, 2001 as well as Maiden in London 2000. At Wacken he introduced me to Sam, and also the drummer from Labyrinth, and Elisa from Dark Moor (I think!). One morning at Wacken we all went to see Freedom Call who were Sams fave band back then, and he never stopped talking about how catchy they were haha.. then Labyrinth were playing, and also Rhapsody later on (back then, these bands weren't big enough for the evening slots!). Still remember meeting the "new" guys in the band, Kiwi Steve and ZP at Maiden in 2000, and they were all wearing Luca Turilli and Rhapsody tshirts! I remember Herman got me into Vision Divine, Labyrinth, Secret Sphere, SymphonyX, Freedom Call... I gotta thank him for that! Although it would be nice to see him giving these bands more credit, especially now as he's more of a public figure...
I'm going to throw my two cents in and recommend Sonic Firestorm to you, Steve - that was pretty much their peak before the nonstop wankery took over!
Seeing as we're taking trips down memory lane... does anyone remember Herman and the lads hanging out on the old terrorizer forum/chatroom? I got to know him quite well through that and ended up hanging out with him and some other friends at Wacken 2000, 2001 as well as Maiden in London 2000. At Wacken he introduced me to Sam, and also the drummer from Labyrinth, and Elisa from Dark Moor (I think!). One morning at Wacken we all went to see Freedom Call who were Sams fave band back then, and he never stopped talking about how catchy they were haha.. then Labyrinth were playing, and also Rhapsody later on (back then, these bands weren't big enough for the evening slots!). Still remember meeting the "new" guys in the band, Kiwi Steve and ZP at Maiden in 2000, and they were all wearing Luca Turilli and Rhapsody tshirts! I remember Herman got me into Vision Divine, Labyrinth, Secret Sphere, SymphonyX, Freedom Call... I gotta thank him for that! Although it would be nice to see him giving these bands more credit, especially now as he's more of a public figure...
You talk to any of them anymore? Sounds like you had some fun. I have to check out more of those bands. I've heard a few of their songs but not all of them.
I've just checked this out on youtube and it sounds pretty damn good. i remember seeing them in 2008 and they were SOO much better than people had me believe, i'm glad this album is testament to that. Gonna have to get it now haha yet another album this year