Dragonforce Announce New Album Details

Mar 10, 2008
Abingdon, UK
The new album by Dragonforce will be released worldwide on 25th August.
It's title is 'Ultra Beatdown':rolleyes:
The full tracklisting for the disc is as follows:
Heroes of Our Time
The Fire Still Burns
Reasons to Live
Scars of Yesterday
Heartbreak Armageddon
The Last Journey Home
Inside the Winter Storm
The Warrior Inside

I don't know about you guys but i think the title is pretty shite, Hopefully the music will be good; that's what's important
Aye really bad title, but very 'Dragonforce'.... They often have pretty shoddy song titles to be fair and all their album names have been a bit... in your face...

I think the only details they needed to release were that yes, it would be another carbon copy of what they've done before, yes, you will still hear those same old riffs and vocal melodies that we.. i mean you love to hear :lol:

Apolgies to any actual DF fans that may post here, i was a fan of Sonic Firestorm at the time but when Inhuman Rampage came out it was just identical and on top of that i realised how they're just a bunch of arrogant show offs, hence why i don't like them personally :lol:

EDIT: sorry tonners... posted that at the same time as you.. my bad :D
Dragonforce are like the AC/DC of power metal. I don't care if they release the same album over and over because I'm still going to love it. :D Though I'm probably the only person in the world that still likes the songs for the tunes rather than the ridiculous studio-perfected solos.

And I'm sure that title is supposed to be as obnoxious as it sounds. They have a sense of humour, those boys.
probably give this album a skip unless it contains something fresh, which tbh from dragonforce I haven't heard since the 1st album

as for the title, except for valley of the damned, they all seem to give some indication towards the style, substance or feeling of the album

just have to wonder what the current direction of df would be if the 2 steve's were still a part of the lne-up, although that would mean no PQ and 4 excellent and unique albums
I agree with what's been said about the awful album title (sounds like some...hard house music or something) and the carbon copying and especially the ACDC of power metal :lol: I've used that phrase before for certain!

But them lads get a lot of stick since they went to RoadRunner, became a household name and started to tour with slipknot and trivium. I have gone off them compared to when I was a big fan. But the fact is I own all the albums, listen to the tracks from time to time and do appreciate the songs individually. I've seen them live too and I can definately say the "they can't play solos outside of the studio" thing is total crap.

Will be looking forward to see what they can do next.
But the fact is I own all the albums, listen to the tracks from time to time and do appreciate the songs individually.

Will be looking forward to see what they can do next.

Same here, i really liked Inhuman Rampage as a straight up Power Metal album and I don't think you can criticize them for being the parady of the genre, but Valley of the Damned just had that extra special something.
It is clear that you either love em or hate em. it's always good to hear a crazy guitar solo from Sam and Herman IMO :p
One of the worst titles ever, are they joking?

Tracklist looks typically Dragonforce. If they don't change things on this album, they will lose any momentum they've built up. I don't think they will. I'll still get the album and probably like it, I just hope they mix things up a bit. I don't want Sonic Firestorm Part III.

Speaking of Dragonforce, what the fuck happened to the remixed Valley of the Damned that was supposed to be coming out MONTHS ago? I was looking forward to that a lot, but now it's like they never announced it.
I want to know what Steve's opinion is on this.

I've been a diehard Dragonforce fan since just before the Sonic Firestorm days... and I gotta say, I haven't grown tired of them yet. Yes, I've moved on from listening to them all the time (once in a while is good, but it's nothing like the first couple years I was into them, when I'd listen to their albums continuously without stopping), but I'm looking forward to this. I hate the album title but I think it's sort of a throwback to their video game inspiration - doesn't it kinda sound like a Final Fantasy skill or something? Heh. Unfortunately the titles are a bit disappointing, though I do like some of them (Inside the Winter Storm, Heartbreak Armageddon despite the cheesiness of it, etc.).

I won't make a definite judgment until I hear it. Until then, I'm excited as hell to listen, because they haven't lost me as a fan yet. I read something about how ZP wanted to do some bigger things with the singing on this album, so I'm really interested in hearing that.

Man, I remember when I first heard Through the Fire and Flames and nobody still knew who Dragonforce were, and that song sounded fucking amazing. That doesn't seem like so long ago now...
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say this but, I think Steve had a few disputed credits on the album. The best song on the album, Heart of a Dragon, possibly being one of them if my sources are to be trusted.