Dragonforce Announce New Album Details

WDR was the bonus track, but if that's true I guess that's why it was just that. It's one of the best songs on the album, though. I hope that it's included on the remixed and remastered VOTD. A better quality version of that and all the other songs would be amazing.
WDR was the bonus track, but if that's true I guess that's why it was just that. It's one of the best songs on the album, though. I hope that it's included on the remixed and remastered VOTD. A better quality version of that and all the other songs would be amazing.

Is this actually being released? I've heard nothing of it since it was postponed last October...
Last I heard the remastered album was delayed due to.. illness in the staff. And sigh, the message board will probably never be back up.
Well, I don't think that's really the problem because there were several dedicated people there, but before it went down (memory's fuzzy, I didn't get on too much during this time) there were a lot of sudden problems with spam and I guess some people hijacked it? Something like that, so they shut it down and it's been down since.
Uh... wow.


... *cough* Well then. There you have it. Dragonforce.

That's all I have to say about this... this... thing.

What the f-
I'm sorry are DF providing the theme to some japanese sci-fi anime? Or a very ugly signal that they might try some Prophet of the Last Eclipse stuff?
Coffee snorted all over keyboard....

what the hell... i was anticipating something a bit crummy for the album art as they don't have the best track record but come on!!

i guess it's to do with their love of video games.. but still....

In fact it really looks like you can see where there's a CGI woman underneath some extra 2D photoshoppery to cover up an original version that didn't cut it...
Haha i don't quite know what to say. I guess you could say it's striking :erk: at the moment i don't know if i hate it or not it's certainly far from epic. I'll have to see what this sounds like before laying down any heavy criticism
Yeah I spurted my breakfast all over the screen when I saw that this morning. With regards to the forum, no one really knows what happened. I got banned about a week before it all went tits up actually. A few of the regulars have set up a replacement if anyone's interested, although pretty much no DF based discussion takes place xD