Dragonforce Announce New Album Details


music video!
ZP looks specifically faggy with the eye-liner. Sam's guitar looks awful. And video's high production serves only to remind us how sold out they are. BUT enough of the easy pot-shots I'll admit that some of the sounds coming from those guitars are so trademark, I can't think of any other musicians who make them. The songs maybe be similar but they're original. :rock:
Is he.. no he isn't... wait what the fuck he IS wearing eyeliner what the fuck I don't even
ZP's been wearing eyeliner since god knows when, as has Sam. I don't think we're likely to see Herman or Dave experimenting with it though...

I like Sam's guitar. I have a bit of a thing for white, and it's an Iceman with a tremolo which is actually pretty special. I would have bought one had it been Japanese production rather than Indonesian. Maybe I'll save this chatter for the Jemsite forums...

What's that thing Vadim's got above his keyboard? A midi controller of some sort?

Interesting to see Herman using his WAG effects ring thing too. I think it looks a little silly...
I'll admit that some of the sounds coming from those guitars are so trademark, I can't think of any other musicians who make them. The songs maybe be similar but they're original. :rock:

Only problem is they were trademark 4 years ago too, you can only replicate said sound so many times before you're just ripping yourself off.

I got about a minute-ish through that video before I got bored and listened to Valley of the Damned instead.
I like it but the quality is offputting just a little, I've become something of an audiophile now and I need the full album quality
with the poor audio quality and my nieces in the background, I wasn't able to properly hear the song. But, it sounded too much like their previous stuff. As I've mentioned before, I might give their next effort a miss because there doesn't seem to be a clear evolution with what they do. They did bring something new to the table when they first came out, but they've kept dining at the table and become a parody (think the fact that they've had the media to bring them into the open doesn't help, they might have changed more by now if they had stayed more underground)
nah, I had to make myself a rule. If they spend more time getting ready in the morning than me then its probably not going to last.. ;)

I think you could apply that to all but two of the dragonfags <3 lol
Oh noes! It leaked!

Haha, I'm sure this has happened to the last 2 albums too :D Well...my friend is downloading it at the minute so I'm gonna give this a good listen
It owns imo but I'm a DF fanboy so take that with a grain of salt