Dragonforce Announce New Album Details

Give at least Warrior Inside or The Fire Still Burns a listen, Heroes Of Our Time really wasn't the best choice for a single/music video imo
blabbermouth states that full album is available for streaming on DF's myspace page

haven't checked it out yet but will be fair to the band and have a listen later on to see whether I should buy the album
I heard the bonus tracks are killer. From what I've read, Scars of Yesterday is a pretty cool tune, the Shadow Warriors track is nifty and fun to listen to, and apparently E.P.M. is fucking awesome.

I'm still waiting for my special edition with the DVD and bonus tracks + shirt to arrive though. :(
Just got my special edition, and the lyric booklet makes me think they tried to mix their older armageddon-themed lyrics with some 1980s cyberspace end-world scenario, hahaha. Pretty cheesy but cool. The group photo of them at the end is pretty funny, too.

Strike of the Ninja (Feel the Fire) is amazing, they really did a great job with it. Scars of Yesterday is very good too, a lot more complex than I expected it to be, and EPM rules too (though I had to YouTube that). Why do they always wait to show off Vadim's coolest side until the bonus tracks?
been listening the the album more and more and its actually pretty f*n cool
i like the warrior inside - that intro reminds me of some early Kylie Minogue melody's you know from the i should be so lucky 1987 days - really catchy, typical Sam stuff !!! :rock:
That is the first and I'll bet only time I ever heard DagronFarce compared to Kylie! :lol: Especially cos the intro sounds like a Super Mario Bros tropical level.
I really like this album now, i'd say it grows on you. The songs are insaley melodic and fast, but still not quite as good as the new Power Quest :p
I'm going to see Dragonforce on Thursday can't wait :kickass:
I would love to see a sheet music book made for Dragonforce. I arranged my own edition of Above the Winter Moonlight on piano, but I had to improvise my own parts of the solo just to get through it, hahaha. Been working on playing Through the Fire and Flames and Dawn Over A New World, though.