DFHS issue...


Bottom chugger
Dec 6, 2005
Have any of you guys noticed that if you bounce the OH as a stereo file that the phase relationship is fairly shit between the left and right channel - its not negative but I'm only getting about 0.3 positive on my vector scope be it on my pc or on the SSL I use at college - maybe this isn't an issue to many of you but to me its a big thing - I always try to get things pegging near +1. Has anyone come across this and have they found a way to improve this, short of bouncing the cymbals seperately - which I cant be fucked to do. When solo'd you can hear there is something odd going on - or maybe its just me as I'm real sensitive to shit like this to the point of distraction - real odd phase hurt as I have a scar on my right ear drum. Too much metal in the ear - literally this time:p
I'm not sure I know what you mean but If it's a standard AB type of OH, it's normal. In fact it increase the stereo perception.
No complaints hear. Are you sure your not to the point of relying on numbers more then hearing. I have a feeling this might be the case and becasue your "numbers" are not perfect you are telling yourself the sound is not perfect.
I wish that was the case but the reason why I decided to look at numbers was because I can hear a subtle tubeish whistle almost like when you put a seashell to your ear. - I'm trying to nail down where in the spectrum it is - but that is always a warning to me that something is slighty off.