DGM and Nocturnal Rites. Wow!

Palabra de Dios

Heavy Metal Weatherman
Mar 22, 2005
St. Joseph, MO
Okay, so I admit, I probably should not have started listening to Nocturnal Rites with 8th Sin. It's a decent album, but it doesn't do it all for me. Unfortunately, I stopped listening to them for a while to focus in on some other ProgPower bands that appealed to me near instantly (Paradox..., Oceans of Sadness, StormWarrior, Seventh Wonder).

I have now listened to Shadowland, Sacred Talisman, and Afterlife; as well as New World Messiah and Grand Illusion...and I'm convinced. They're gonna kill it. The songs from 8th Sin should still be quite polished and well performed; but if they even play one or two of the songs that I'm enjoying so much from their "middle" catalog, I will walk away extremely satisfied. Especially the song "Avalon." Jesus Christ, where has that tune been all my life?


And DGM. They were my Royal Hunt this year. I knew they were probably a decent band, but they had like 8 CDs that I had never heard before, and I was more excited about others. This changed when I listened to Frame. Holy Symphony X on steroids, Batman! The riffs are crystal clear and visceral; the vocals are melodic and aggressive; the drums pummel you to death; it's great. I still am not familiar with their whole back catalog, but I would assume they'll focus on the new material to hook new fans maybe? They don't strike me as a band with "CLASSICS" that they gotta play. Either way, 4-5ish songs from Frame would make me a happy camper.

This year's gonna rule, guys. Can't wait.
Okay, so I admit, I probably should not have started listening to Nocturnal Rites with 8th Sin. It's a decent album, but it doesn't do it all for me. Unfortunately, I stopped listening to them for a while to focus in on some other ProgPower bands that appealed to me near instantly (Paradox..., Oceans of Sadness, StormWarrior, Seventh Wonder).

I have now listened to Shadowland, Sacred Talisman, and Afterlife; as well as New World Messiah and Grand Illusion...and I'm convinced. They're gonna kill it. The songs from 8th Sin should still be quite polished and well performed; but if they even play one or two of the songs that I'm enjoying so much from their "middle" catalog, I will walk away extremely satisfied. Especially the song "Avalon." Jesus Christ, where has that tune been all my life?


And DGM. They were my Royal Hunt this year. I knew they were probably a decent band, but they had like 8 CDs that I had never heard before, and I was more excited about others. This changed when I listened to Frame. Holy Symphony X on steroids, Batman! The riffs are crystal clear and visceral; the vocals are melodic and aggressive; the drums pummel you to death; it's great. I still am not familiar with their whole back catalog, but I would assume they'll focus on the new material to hook new fans maybe? They don't strike me as a band with "CLASSICS" that they gotta play. Either way, 4-5ish songs from Frame would make me a happy camper.

This year's gonna rule, guys. Can't wait.

wait till you see them live (NOcturnal Rites)....one of the best live power metal bands. I saw them at Chicago Powerfest a few years back and they were amazing.
Been into DGM for 12 or 13 years or so. They've got a great catalog of very good music. I've always wondered why others have been so slow to pick up on this band. They are very talented.
Those are two of my favorites as well. I loved 8th Sin though, my favorite Nocturnal Rites album to date.

I also think DGM's new album is their best so far. We're going to see two bands at their peak next week.
Nocturnal Rites has been one of my favorite power metal bands (as top 3 all time) since a cousin of mine introduced me to them 6 or 7 years ago. Their performance in Chicago is still one of my fondest concert memories. They ruled that night.

On the other hand, somehow DGM has COMPLETELY missed my radar. I picked up Frame after the announcement last year and for whatever reason didn't give it a good listen until about 3 months ago...WTF????? HOW have I missed this melodic metal masterpiece!!!! This band is fantastic. Everything I like. Big, melodic choruses, great guitar work, just enough technicalities to keep things interesting without being overly prog...just beautiful stuff. I can't wait!
When I was going to go, DGM was one of the ones I was most looking forward to. AT first I was pretty lukewarm about them, but after time they really grew on me. It's good to see a prog band that doesn't overdo it for once. As for NR I'm in the minority, where I just don't dig any of their stuff and I probably was going to skip their set. I've tried so many of their songs throughout all their albums and I just can't get into them. I think a lot of it is that I just don't dig the singers they've had.
DGM seems to be one of those bands leaving behind the progressive side. I don't know if I'll enjoy them. I wasn't all that into Frame, but I got more into it the more I listened. I haven't heard much of their music though. I enjoy NR's later era music more than the earlier, but I'm not a huge fan, still I think they'll be enjoyable.
I think it is absolutely hilarious that DGM is the initials of three guys that are no longer in the band. LOL.
I think it is absolutely hilarious that DGM is the initials of three guys that are no longer in the band. LOL.

Agree. And from what I'm getting they weren't as aggressive in their earliest incarnation. Whatevs. If they just play stuff from the most recent releases, I'll be happy.

Even more people in this thread saying that NR is an awesome live band. This is something I've heard before, and it makes me even happier. Once again, they better play Avalon, like they did at Powerfest (if not, I'm sure they'll still rule)!!!
DGM seems to be one of those bands leaving behind the progressive side. I don't know if I'll enjoy them.

Yeah and I hate it that they are slowly losing what attracted me to them. Different Shapes and Framed are really good but they seem to be following a trend and path that alot of other bands are doing these days. That can't be a good thing.
I think you have to find what you're good at. DGM was a pretty good progressive metal band, but they are awesome in the prog/power genre. The one they did before Different Shapes was more pure power metal and that wasn't that good either. They've found the sweet spot now.
Yeah and I hate it that they are slowly losing what attracted me to them. Different Shapes and Framed are really good but they seem to be following a trend and path that alot of other bands are doing these days. That can't be a good thing.

Gotta disagree, man. It seems as they move away from the progressive, they've become more aggressive...and to me, that is a good thing!