DI advice needed + feedback effect

Charlie E.

Jan 2, 2002
Miami, FL
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Hey guys I will soon start tracking down DI's for a new album and I want to have a song end with feedback. What do you guys suggest for this? Should I re-track the ending of the guitars live during the re-amping process?
And if I do, would then that DI signal (the new one while doing the feedback live) be able to produce the same feedback effects if my mixing engineer decides to re-amp himself or use an amp simulator?
Is there a better/easier way to do this? Like using my studio monitor speakers during the initial DI tracking?
Any advice on the matter is appreciated.

Also, I'm using a 7 string guitar with Lundgren pickups. Do you guys think I should use a passive Radial DI box or the active one?

Sorry if these questions are too "noob" :hypno:
That's the only real con with reamping .

Personally I'd stand in front of the amp and track the clean DI so that the sound pressure from the cab gets those strings resonating and hope that the new amp likes what you give it later.A new amp tone may not adopt the clean Feedback D.I the way you want it to. If not no worries just drop those parts in by walking into the amp booth with your guitar when you get around to reamping.
It really depends on how vastly different the monitoring tone is to the reamped tone.
I cant really explain it in depth at the moment Ive kinda forgotten why ,its something to do with the way your amp tone sets up acoustic resonances .
Geeky stuff ....
The easiest way to get feedback is to use the parallel out on your DI and run that through a real amp and use that to achienve your feedback. As the feedback from the amp changes how the strings vibrate, that feedback will have the same sound from another amp either it be reamp or amp sim.