DI-box in front of audio interface?!

Jan [MTW]

Aug 26, 2010
Hey Guys,
I read in the FAQ that Joey uses a Countryman Type 85 DI-box in front of his RME Fireface 800..
At the moment i just plug in guitars directly into my Saffire Pro 24 and it works well. So what's the reason for using a DI-box?
Before I thought they'd only be good for reamping, but as we all know Joey only uses Podfarm for his guitars.
Jan [MTW];9781086 said:
:) Uh sounds good!
Definitly my next buy.

Good call. It's the first thing in the signal chain besides the guitar, so whatever sound coloration happens to your DI is going to dramatically affect the overall tone in POD Farm/VST's or real amps. A transparent DI is a great start.
i think the most significant difference between the standard DI on an audio interface and a standalone di is... most di boxes use high end, discrete fet op amps which responds to transients very quickly where as the input circuit of a hi-z audio interface is much more inferior, in terms of quality and transient response time.

granted the difference is nominal but you will find that in most cases a standalone di will sound a lot "snappier" than the common line level input on your typical audio interface.
A great question :p

Why doesn't Joey use the Great River instrument input instead of the CM box? I think the Great River is better IMO
I don't know. That is only a fact, but perhaps Joey did (or didn't) a comparison between both that I would like to know. GR is a 1000€ item and the CM a 150€ one :S

Excuse me but this is sometimes a riddle for me.

I'm looking for a good preamp with a good Hi-Z input as well. If the preamp has one, perfect, I save money to invest in a better preamp.
And he also has the API inputs!!! Another option with a good attack (I've red it somewhere)
Preamps are not focused in "High quality HI-Z input". That's why you need a top notch Direct Box.
Nice DI + Nice Preamp + Nice Conversion = WIN
I don't know. That is only a fact, but perhaps Joey did (or didn't) a comparison between both that I would like to know. GR is a 1000€ item and the CM a 150€ one :S

Price tag is not always the whole truth. Diamond Amps cost +$3000, but every single clip I've heard of them still suck compared to 5150's that cost ~$1000. My guess is that he somehow found 5 minutes to compare the sound between his gear and use the one that was either most discreet, transparent and sounded the same as the original, because usually that is what you want from your DI-tracks. When you get to the point where it's 97% the same as the original signal, upgrading usually even isn't worth the price or the effort at that point because it will get fucked to smithereens with ampsims or amplifiers.