DI box Input Impedance

^^^Although there is some good info here, that's not really what I'm talking about. I'm more interested in what your, and others, opinion is of using a instrument input on a high quality interface as opposed to a dedicated DI box. IMO many of them sound better even though on paper they may not have impedance as high as some DI boxes.
Its more of an A/D conversion quality at that point. For the highest output guitar pickup, they only need at least 160K-180K, so if you had two interfaces, one was high quality with 470K input impedance and the other was a low quality 1M input impedance, the high quality interface would sound better purely for the fact that it was built with better components and had better designed buffer stage and converters.

From personal experience I bought a DI thinking it would help, only to find out it didn't, that meant that my interface was good enough on the input impedance (load) side of things.