DI box


Mar 29, 2009
I wanted to get a DI box but im not sure what I need...theres so many out there.

I was thinking just a cheap passive direct box, like nady or something, would do the trick - is there a downside to this?

and if its passive, cant i reamp through it by running it backards?
DI: Countryman Type 85

Reamp: John Cuniberti Reamp V2


You should really try searching. Theres two twelve page long threads on DI boxes and Reamp units...
I personally got the Countryman Type 85 and bought the Radial ProRMP. I got the Countryman used for like half price, and then I bought the ProRMP new. After buying both of them in total it came out slightly cheaper than the Redeye. However, get whatever you can afford and definitely check out the threads Metaltastic posted above, that's how I decided on the Countryman DI myself.
I highly reccomend the Little Labs RedEye both for performance and cost. Great little unit, and built like a tank. I've dropped it, hard, several times and it still fine. Sounds great and easy to use!

No I don't work for little labs. :D
Of course, your suggestions aren't exactly budget-conscious there, Greg ;)

The word "budget" only exists in your mind and in a book :loco: You define your spending parameters, so if you're adamant enough on getting high end gear, drink a few less brews, eat a bit more ramen and go for it!
I'm still curious if running a Reamp backwards works effectively as a DI... I don't see why it wouldn't...

Yeah, it works, I tried it in the DI Box thread thread ;) Here's what I wrote there:

Just tried the Reamp V2 as a DI box, and it seemed to work ok, though I think the level was lower than what was coming out of the Redeye (I say "I think" because I don't have a male-male XLR so I had to use a male XLR - male TRS into one of the line-in's on the Onyx, which go from -20 to 40 dB, rather than 0 to 60 on the XLR inputs). If I had a male-male cable I'd do a comparison between the Redeye and Reamp as DI's, but a) I won't be able to get one any time soon (I gotta send the Reamp back to GuitargodGT) and b) the Redeye has the essential DI feature of an "inst. thru" output, so it's the better option for that purpose anyway (unless you're only planning on using ampsims)
Oh, and FTR, I fucking LOVE my Redeye both for capturing DI's and Re-amping! But for the love of god, be sure to disable the pad! (it comes enabled from the factory)
and if its passive, cant i reamp through it by running it backards?

Here's what John Cuniberti has to say on the subject (bear in mind, he makes the Reamp, so definitely a bit of potential bias ;))

This would not work because of the large level differences between a microphone level signal and a line level signal. On the direct box the instrument input is designed for instrument level signals (-20dbm) and the microphone out is designed to give a microphone level signal (-60dbm typical) using a direct box in reverse would put a +4dbm signal into a –60dbm output and would cause extreme signal distortion before you even plugged into the amp.
Good call on the Instrument Through Marcus, that didn't even occur to me :lol:

I bought my Redeye brand new and have not had to enable/disable the pad, works fine for me as is... I do have the reamp level cranked to full but it seems to be damn close enough to standard guitar level for me, maybe my pad was already disabled by fluke?