I see. So you are thinking about an instrument to line level device.
Realistically anything that is not mic level to balanced line level with as much frequency and phase linearity as humanly possible.
Basically, a reverse reamp box.
Not Familiar with that phrase but I think I know what you are talking about so yes?
is this a product you are thinking of releasing?
Its already released, I was trying to get a feeler for the idea of adding an additional gain feature if people were willing to pay 15-20 USD more and if it was worth my time re-designing my current DI device.
After posting this and pondering on it I do think it would be worth my time and money to do so. Unfortunately adding just one gain nob given the equipment I have is much more complicated than would be initially realized again which is why I want to know if it is worth my time.
Power if it's an active device that is connecting to line where no phantom is available.
It is instrument and line level I/O the connectors are TS or TRS. Since it is a big no-no to send phantom through those terminals the device has to be powered via reverse polarity barrel terminal like guitar pedals. If I have the room for an XLR terminal that is just for power I can do that but I do not see the point. I have another idea I will PM you about because I don't want it public just yet but it is an idea I have had about active power for some time now.
Input impedance changing due to pad or gain pot/switch.
I spent over two years designing and re-designing my system and I can tell you that:
1) The input impedance does not change due to the gain/boost controls of the output like some DIs and preamps do
2) The input/output impedances do not change from the I/O configuration. All passive DIs suffer from this
Activ basses pushing out massive transients.
Unless an active bass can put out more than 17Vpp I don't see that as an issue. All of my electronics while requiring exactly 9Vdc they can all output almost 18Vpp on their outputs, defectively double the power supply's voltage. Again I spent a lot of time in the designing of my products.