Guitar tracks: amped vs. DI

As stated your problem is you are not using an impulse on your Amp track. The amp sim you are using (probably a hacked version of Podfar, Revalver or Amplitube) sounds better cause it already has the cabinet impulses built into it.

So I recommend reading This will give you an idea of what you need in order to make sure you are getting hte sound you are looking for.

One more question:What OUTPUT are you using on your amplifier?


With all the cash you spent on your amp sims you could have just bought a 57 for $100 or done like a lot of us do and use a 58 on your amp ;) 57's work on vocals and 58's work on guitars in some cases.
Also, you can try to load your ampsim on the SAME track that you're recording your [pre]amp to, and then simply bypass the "amp" section of [insert ampsim name] and keep only the cab sim.
Sometimes I will just put a dummy load in my speaker out and play with my "real" amp's preamp (Fx Send plugged in interface) and use some cab from Amplitube. For bedroom jamming, it does the job real nice. Way better than using ampsim all the way. You don't have much freedom to reamp those tracks, tho, you're better off with a clean DI for that (because the preamp section would already be "printed" on your audio track). In the end, impulses are still the best way to get away with not mic'ing a speaker, because you can create your own impulse and use the ones other created as well.
With all the cash you spent on your amp sims you could have just bought a 57 for $100 or done like a lot of us do and use a 58 on your amp ;) 57's work on vocals and 58's work on guitars in some cases.
Sorry for the offtopic, but if you use a 58 on an amp, do you take the pop filter off? Or is it a case of "try what sounds best" (well, isn't everything?)?
yeah it's only good for keeping the singer a few inches away from the mic...
no real differance for guitars...

thank for all the info guys! it might have been a noob thread but you have to understand i barely have ANY gear to work with...
i just got released from the army a week ago and i'm planning on flying to europe in the summer for a long time so no reason to start buying expensive amps/cabs right now (which are OBSCENLY expensive in Israel for no apperant fucking reason...)

i'll post some stuff here when it's done so you can hear my bizzare tracking technique... it sounds good to me so far