DI Tone


Apr 18, 2010
So I had my other guitarist come over to record some stuff and I noticed his DI tone was much brighter and crisp than mine. Here's a recording of his vs mine.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3602793/Guitar tone.mp3

We plugged right into my Saffire Pro24. Is this my guitar at fault or something else? He didn't have new strings or anything like that. Maybe I wired my pickup wrong? Is the first tone the one I should be hearing because I'm used to hearing the second one.
ummm, different guitars? New Strings? Pickups? Better cables? Using the same preamp/DI?

Could be a lot of stuff man, narrow it down!
To me that sounds like those Dimarzio's are pretty dark. Could also be the type/quality of wood the guitar is made from contributing but I'll bet it's the pickups ftmp. Or it could be that the Carvin pups are just bright.
same string size too? I like the first clip. Try the test with new strings too. One might have less used strings than the other.
Put new strings on both guitars. Have ONE of you play the same stuff through the same chain, just switching guitars. then the ONLY thing that will have changed is the instrument. That'll show you the difference. String age and how hard one guy picks can drastically change sound.