DI tracks - a request


Jan 13, 2009
Hi guys, I'd thought I'd ask if any of you guys have any Quality DI tracks of either of the following........

Ibanez MTM2 w/stock pups


any Mahogany guitar w/ EMG 81 in the bridge

ideally tuned down to B - just open B string and some power chords/chugs

I know it's a lot to ask but , hey , you dont ask you dont get!!

I'd like to use these in Curve EQ - before hitting Podfarm - My paf pro's rock, but I think I need more "thickness" - and cannot afford any more gear at the moment.

In return, I'd happily Master a track for you/ or play a lead for your tune -
sound like a fair exchange???

Please don't take this as a "gimmee your prezet plz!??" type of question, just would like to try this out is all.

cheers anyway dudes!!
wow, really?

Honestly mate , just some basic open low E (tuned to B of course) some low palm muting / some power chords

Nothing crazy, just so I can capture the spectrum of the DI and rip it into my DI , then into Podfarm.

and make sure theres no clipping - actually if you wanna track some riffs go ahead - just let me know the tempo and I'll try some Production wizardry/add drums bass etc (do 2 tracks though for Double tracking)