Well you see, it's a common misconception that they pounded nails through his
wrists - when in fact, like any jewish mother would do to her naughty son, "the big jewish mother of the law" grabbed Jesus by his ear(s) and tugged 'em right up (to that big wooden cross)! So yes, he needs your ears. Needs them desperately.
Ok, I made that up. But it justifies the lyrics.
He's probably actually saying "tears" or something.. I'm about to hit the sack for now but I'll try and decipher more later.. I urge anyone who's interested enough to listen to the album, read what I've written, and add to or correct anything they can... if enough of you do it every few posts I'll take my original and all the contributions and post a fresh conglomerated orderly and complete revision... that will make it easier for future contributors (and people who just want the lyrics)!