Diabolical Masquerade is dead!


May 16, 2004
Orlando, Florida USA
It's official.. Blakkheim has taken off the Masque....:waah:

Blakkheim, I loved Diabolical Masquerade... I'm sad to see it go. you put out four great albums and I was eagerly anticipating the 5th. Ah well... My hopes are that you change your mind and that you ressurect for just one more masquerade....

One last request Blakkheim: Would you consider releasing the lyrics for Death's Design?
*pats consolingly* don't worry ryan, I'll get you those CDs so you can have a memorial ...thing..
Yeah, I was a bit upset when I heard about this before. I was looking forward to the next release. The earlier albums had to grow on me, but now I think they're great. I thought "Death's Design" was awesome. I had edited each "movement" into single songs (instead of having loads of tracks splitting it all up) which made the album even more enjoyable. Hopefully one day the inspiration will come back to him to make another album, but it is wise to not write when there's no inspiration, because that just leads to...well...uninspired work that doesn't meet expectations.