Diagnose My Health Problem Please...

Apr 19, 2003
Instead of going to a doctor, I thought I'd post a message on the Nevermore forum, asking for your thoughts... Seeing as how I don't trust doctors now-a-days anyways...

Let me first get it across that i am 100% Male. (gotta clarify for all of the trans/hermaphrodites on this forum) For lack of a better description, I took a dump, and was feeling quite sick, and then realized there was a LOT of Blood!!!!

Right now I'm feeling kinda weak too... Barely able to type this danm nessage. Anyways, that it is, what do YOU think is wrong with me?

Remember, you have my life in your hands...
go see a doctor if blood is coming out your ass. i dont trust doctors either, but if blood was coming out of my ass i would go to one.
Might be colon cancer. Yes, you can get it young. Go se a doctor, butt-blood can be fatal in a lot of cases in you don't see what is causing it.
I'd say you drank lots of tomato juice which you pooped and it looked like blood and the sight of your "bloody" shit stressed you out and your blood sugar dropped and you feal weak. I took an anatomy class back in high school... that's almost like being a doctor.
NoLordy Capone said:
Might be colon cancer. Yes, you can get it young. Go se a doctor, butt-blood can be fatal in a lot of cases in you don't see what is causing it.

I had Childhood form of Non Hodgkins Lymphoma, a type of Cancer.
Took Chemotherapy and Radiation.. man, that was some bad shit.
But I'm doin better now... that cancer is gone motherfucker!

Now it's just this mysterious blood... agh...
Or maybe you just have hemorrhoids haha. If your shit is large and hard, your ass is bound to start complaining. Eat more fiber.
Say 650 Hail Marys, then spin until you vomit.
Sacrifice your lower half to Jehovah, and lo, your butt-blood shall be gone. (Don't do that, I don't feel like having your family sue me for wrongful death.)
No advil, no aspirin, no tylenol, no meds of any kind. Drink lots of water, and don't eat anything. The doc is gonna want a nice clean colon when he puts a scope up your butt. Just let the nice doctor look at your bum. Sure, could be alot of things...and yes, you may be embarrassed. But doctors see naked ass and A LOT worse than your bloody rump. GO TO THE DOCTOR....

why are you asking us? I don't trust doctors either, and I work with them. I get on the internet, and go to MD sites, and if it's not resolved in ten days, I still don't go! There's only two ways to get me to doctor, pain, or more pain. That's all. My motto: "Don't go till the bone shows."

Really, hurry up. Clean your colon out. You have a scope to prep for. Go on, off with you and your dirty colon.
Hm you should go to the doctor. a friend of mine actually had this same problum.. he didnt go and it got so bad that he had to go to the emergince room. he never did tell me what they found wrong.. but just said that hed 'been drinking way to much'
Hemmies. No big deal, unless the blood is actually IN your shit. That's bad. Blood splattered all over the toilet bowl and bloody water is nothing more than something to laugh at. Does your asshole itch a lot?
dead_fetus said:
Hemmies. No big deal, unless the blood is actually IN your shit. That's bad. Blood splattered all over the toilet bowl and bloody water is nothing more than something to laugh at. Does your asshole itch a lot?

WOW! Go to the doctor or you may end up having a colostomy, shit sack, side ass, poop jar, dookie diaper, blast bag, not cool:OMG::erk::yell:
but just said that hed 'been drinking way to much'[/QUOTE]-------------------that's a bleeding ulcer----not good at all!!!!!!!!--------xx buzz xx------