One thing that seems to be missing from this amazing forum is a thread on how to dial in an amp. Do you have a specific process to do it? Do you just turn knobs till the amp sounds good? Do you look at the amps schematics first? Do you A/B with tones you are after? Dial with screamer already in chain? Start with gain off or full? Start with master low or high? EQ's in middle or down? Guitar pickup switch set on neck for low end? Move amp around room first? Do you first go for an aggressive high end or a tight low end? Or is it mids or both? Maybe you start with the guitarist's settings if it is his amp? Let the guitarist dial it in for you? (pfft!) Maybe you say fuck it and look for a good Kemper/amp sim.
Maybe there is a thread out there already that I have somehow missed. If not, fire away bitches...

Maybe there is a thread out there already that I have somehow missed. If not, fire away bitches...