Di'Anno on Maiden's Ozzfest Set

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
From Blabbermouth:

"Yeah, I did admit that Bruce is a better singer for MAIDEN than me. I still do think that but only related only to the MAIDEN albums that were made after my first two initial MAIDEN classic albums. My feeling is that I could never have stamped my mark properly on the MAIDEN albums that came after 'Iron Maiden' and 'Killers' because Bruce's voice is much better suited to that material than my voice ever could be. However, that aside, I am not actually comparing our voices against each other either, as I feel as much as I could not sing Bruce's period of MAIDEN songs, Bruce definitely does not have — and never did have — the voice to replace me on the first two classic albums either.

"My voice is, and always will be, mega aggressive and that is what helped make those first two classic albums what they are. On the other hand, Bruce's high-pitched, and sometimes operatic voice, is what has helped give the later albums their different character. I will say this though: Bruce sounds incredible on many later MAIDEN tracks such as 'The Trooper', 'Number Of The Beast' and 'Two Minutes to Midnight' but let’s face it — without meaning to sound arrogant here, just saying what everyone knows — when Bruce tries to emulate me on classics such as 'Remember Tomorrow', 'Running Free', 'Wrathchild', 'Killers' or anything from the first two MAIDEN albums, he just does not have the tools for the job as the aggression just isn't there. Your voice can often explain a lot about your background, and I think my voice shows the kind of rough, lower-class background I came from. Bruce's voice kind of gives an impression of a public schoolboy background."
I too agree with that... I'm not a fan of Dianno's singing... but Bruce does sound a little awkward trying to sing Dianno material, which is raw and aggressive.

However, I think the most interesting part of the interview is where Dianno talks about his desire to castrate Dennis Stratton.
Papa Josh said:
I'll take Bruce live doing Remember Tomorrow anyday of the year over Paul.

I admit, for that song, Bruce does a really, really good job. But when it comes to the angry young teenage east end punk vibe, Di'Anno wipes the floor, simply because his voice meets those requirements. Bruce will NEVER do a better job singing "Running Free", "Wrathchild", or "Sanctuary". A good job, yes, but not better.

And I reference both singers at their peak, not today.

Fuck, at least Blaze got better after Maiden.

You mean, vocals or albums? Yeah, I agree his albums (or at least, Silicon Messiah) was outstanding. But regarding vocals, he just went back to singing in his own comfort zone a la Wolfsbane. Blaze is a good vocalist, just not for Maiden.
JayKeeley said:
I admit, for that song, Bruce does a really, really good job. But when it comes to the angry young teenage east end punk vibe, Di'Anno wipes the floor, simply because his voice meets those requirements. Bruce will NEVER do a better job singing "Running Free", "Wrathchild", or "Sanctuary". A good job, yes, but not better.

And I reference both singers at their peak, not today.

You mean, vocals or albums? Yeah, I agree his albums (or at least, Silicon Messiah) was outstanding. But regarding vocals, he just went back to singing in his own comfort zone a la Wolfsbane. Blaze is a good vocalist, just not for Maiden.

As far as Bruce, those other songs you mentioned have never been favorites of mine, they are short, metallic odes to punk, which I like, but they in no way hold the place in my heart that the long, mighty epics of Maiden have held.

In regards to Blaze, I'm referring to his voice and the band he formed. He didn't change his vocals, the band just tuned their shit appropriately.