Di'Anno on Bruce and Blaze: "f*cking fairy" and "sh*t"


Jan 20, 2002
"the flower & willow world"
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full interview here: http://www.rocksomething.com/features/featurePaulDianno.htm

RockSomething: What do you think about Maiden lots of your songs again with Bruce singing on them? On the Early Days DVD you say that Bruce is the better singer?

Di'Anno: "You must remember that interviews and filming usually end up highly edited, and I actually said (on various occasions) that Bruce is a better singer for Maiden as they became in their later years. I think Bruce's high operatic and theatrical type voice is better suited to Maiden's later material, but I honestly think he sounds like a fucking fairy when he is trying to fill my shoes on songs from the first two albums. My voice is aggressive and violent (kind of like me in a way) and it sounds like someone dragged me up from a low class background and I was used to having a regular fucking good kicking (in the bollocks) every now and then.

On the other hand, Bruce's voice is sung in The Queen's English. Very politely and with all the letters pronounced properly, and you can imagine him practising his sword fencing whilst practising his vocal exercises. He sound like a very nice public school boy (which he was) who used to sing in the local church choir after school and was an instant hit with all the old grannies. Meanwhile, I was getting my dick sucked by all the fanny in the park being the fucking animal that I have always been. Bruce is silver but I am gold, as simple as that really."

RockSomething: …did you ever listen to the Blaze era Maiden?

Di'Anno: "I try to not listen to shit."
DiAnno´s voice is for sure more aggressive but this doesn´t fit the sound of Iron Maiden. In my opinion he is totally jealous because he don´t got that much success. His ego coudn´t get it that he is out and not so famous! Blaze´s voice was good for Wolfsbane, not for Maiden.
wow, sounds like someone's bitter. Maybe his tour isn't selling that well........

I was floored by the first 2 Maiden albums, but when Bruce came along...it really made Iron Maiden "complete". I didn't mind Blaze taking over when Bruce left they were tough shoes to fill and he did a great job...but my fave albums are those with Bruce.
What's wrong with rock stars lately? Had metal become a giant Venezuelan soap opera?

It seems it's easier to badmout someone thatn to show your own quality and hard work...
mmm... he's quite harsh but not that harsh IMO. He still acknowledges that Bruce fits better Maiden. And I agree with our dear washed-up Paul that only him could do justice to the songs on Killers and the s/t record. The problem is that Paul has lost his voice now... and his comment about Blaze is dumb.
I saw Di'Anno live twice and I must say that these two gigs were the worst in my life.He was drunk,band was awful..I mean they live from playing Maiden songs and that's 90% of the show and they still menage to massacre every song.After concert I hear Di'Anno constantly talking against IM and how they sux.He's just a fucking punk
Man, I was just gonna post this! ya beat me to it :erk: .

Anyway, I was somewhat shocked by his attitude and the things he said. I guess I just didn't expect it for some reason.

RockSomething: Your voice still seems to be in fine form – how do you maintain it despite all the drugs and drink?!
Paul: Eat lots of fanny, smoke plenty of fags, get pissed up and talk bollocks all of the time.
on the recent Maiden documentary, The Early Years, Di Anno has admitted Bruce was a better match and a step forward for Iron Maiden... that says everything imo :rolleyes:
What a stuck-up, arrogant, self-aggrandizing, chauvinist prick. Paul comes off sounding like a drunken, overly macho teenager.
Sure thinks very highly of himself doesn't he? I guess someone has to. :grin:
Bruce does butcher the old shit!!!! He doesn't put the same heart into the old songs. Take a listen to the origional albums thats how the songs are supposed to sound. Bruce is one of the best. I just cant understand a damn thing he says when he isnt singing.