did any of you watch Frontline on PBS last night?


Overly-Cryptic Jake
the played clips from sadam stories they have done over the last few years... very interesting. i know i'm totally going to be in the minority, but the more i learn about sadam the more i think we are doing the right thing. now, don't dismiss me as some 'dumb american'... i feel like i'm as educated about the situation as i can be. so, go ahead, take your shots at me... but, i'm just voicing my opinion.
I heard on NPR that even if a new government is in place, Americans will still be targeted in Iraq, meaning we won't be able to go there anyway without a significant level of danger.

So it seems like this guy was thinking the country wasn't going to be re-vamped all that much.
So… on Frontline ---They explained what Bush I did after the ‘war was over’. It was horrible. We told all the Iraqi people to rise up and overthrow Sadam… but when they finally got together and started a rebellion we stood and watched them get slaughtered… literally. We had planes patrolling the area, actually watching the Iraqi military slaughter the rebels. They had strict orders to not fire. They talked with one pilot about how frustrated he was about the whole thing (damn right). So, the rebels we forced out of Iraq, we are talking women and children, into refugee camps. After two days OF DOING NOTHING, we finally supplied them with food and aid. I was pissed watching this.Bush was holding “parties” essentially about how we won… blah blah blah. THEN, the UN sends inspectors into Iraq. The first camp they went to, they were not aloud in… but the commanding office said they could look in from the water tower across the street (moron). So the UN watches three trucks go out the back gate… they chase them down AND THE IRAQI’S FIRE AT THEM. But they did get pictures of the uranium enriching magnets before they backed down… this is like 4 weeks after dessert storm.And it just got worse from there. Apparently they found docs saying Iraq had spent 10 billion in an atomic bomb program… and they HAD TO WARHEAD DURING DESSERT STORM. It was just too large for any of their missiles. Documents show THAT THEY WERE/ARE WORKING ON SHRINKING THE WARHEAD so they can use it. (Now I started to get scared). Iraq even held UN inspectors hostage outside a government building for two weeks because the UN found docs supporting their other atomic program findings. A few months after that the UN was kicked out… and the UN did nothing. Apparently Clinton was going to do what Bush II is doing now (he has planes in the air, but called them back) but it was during Monica, and advisors told him “no, because it will just look like a diversion”.I could go on…
the doves AND hawks they generally put on TV are retards. i think the real issues are too complex for most people to grasp, so they simplify hugely and come across sounding stupid or even wrong. like bush blathering on and on about al-qaeda connections and weapons of mass destruction when neither are the real issue, but the easiest for us to grasp and get behind.
I think Bush I not supporting the Shiite rebellion in the south was one of his worst crimes. True, the Shiites were very Islamist and Iran-sympathetic, but you don't encourage revolt and then abandon it; it hurts the world's trust that America will do what it says.

History might show that Bush I (and Clinton)'s real mistakes were trusting the UN to take care of things.
well, yeah, but i think the economics aren't morally significant...Just as you can't really say "America will make money from a war therefore WAR IS WRONG", you can't say "France and Russia will make money from not-war therefore WAR IS RIGHT".
the economic factors wouldn't bother me so much if the govn't was more forthcoming about it. it's no secret we are reliant on their oil. Sure, it may not be the best excuse for war, but at least it's rational and unreliant on anecdotal evidence.
I don't think oil is as big a deal as everyone says. We only get a small percentage of our oil from the Middle East, and with more oil reserves recently secured for the U.S. in places like Sao Tomo and the Caspian Sea, I think our reliance on Middle Eastern oil is very limited. In two decades, perhaps as little as one, it won't be an issue at all. The oil companies can't keep better energy resources off the table for good or even for long, either.
indieradioisdead: so... am i a war monger?
seipptastic: YES
indieradioisdead: ok... just so i know
indieradioisdead: thanks pal
seipptastic: moger
indieradioisdead: ...you hate me know don't you?
seipptastic: monger mc mongerson
seipptastic: mongery the mong mong
indieradioisdead: HOTTT
seipptastic: monger M mong Mcmonger
indieradioisdead: ooohhh
indieradioisdead: new screen name
seipptastic: mongy von mongdenschtein
seipptastic: baron von mong
seipptastic: captain mong and his amazing mongerteers
indieradioisdead: OMG THESE ARE GREAT
indieradioisdead: are you done?
seipptastic: THE GREAT MONGINI
indieradioisdead: YES
seipptastic: mong rassmongsen
Well, one of the most crippling indictments of France and Germany came about a month ago, when the head of Iraq's nuclear weapons program for two decades (since defected) said that France and Germany sold Iraqi parts for nuclear power plants knowing they would be used to create nuclear weapons. France the "moral center of the world"? Far fucking from it.