Did anyone else get ill from ProgPower 5?


Photo Mistress
I am sicker than a dog right now. Chest is congested, can't breathe, glands are swollen, coughing up a storm, eyes watery, sneezing a lot, have the shivers, body aches and I have a migraine. Did other people get sick at ProgPower? I hope I'm the only one, but somehow I doubt it.
Yep! Have a killer sore throat that developed Friday that I at first attributed to rocking out harder than I ever have to Savatage, but it didn't go away.

Where'd you stay? I was at the Fairfield.

- R
Me too. Rough raspy voice the whole drive home, yesterday sore as hell throat, today sorer than hell throat and lotsa congestion. Jeremy was already fullblown sick yesterday when I called him.

The Earthlink Live should be quarantined and decontaminated.
*cough cough*
I have something too -- felt it start to take effect late Saturday, by Sunday it was a full-blown cold. Slept for 16 hours on Sunday night, am now on the tail end of it on Tuesday.

The ProgPower virus -- what is more metal than that!?

"Virus of metaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal!"


P.S. Nice Slaughter quote ... they're my fave...
Happens every year, both with ProgPower, and with Powermad before it..a bunch of people end up sick afterwards.

And yep, I feel like crap too.
Surprisingly I'm not feeling too bad right now, especially with my lack of sleep and good food. I caught the bug real bad last year. This year I started taking my vitamins a few weeks ahead of time so I bet that has helped. My throat is still very sore and raspy, I'm not sure if it's a cold brewing or if it's just from yelling at the shows. I already notified my boss that I'mm probably be sick in a few days.

If it's anything like last year's bug, it's going to be bad, so take very good care of yourselves, drink lots of fluids, and get tons of rest!! Feel better soon!

Tammy Z
I got sick at the show on Saturday night, that was mostly from drinking to much the days before. But I got a bad cold coming back from Atlanta, I blame it on the airplanes recycled nasty's that everyone has to breath for a 5 hour flight. This is the 3rd time I have gotten sick after PPUSA.

:puke: I DEFINITELY got something other than your typical partytoofuckinghard illness. Friday night, I started feeling bad about halfway through Kamelot. By the end of the WMD set, I was VERY nauseated. I almost threw up in the cab on the way back to the hotel (Marriott Courtyard - Techwood). I was up all night with :puke:- well not the time for TMI!! I was so sick Saturday, I only made it for POS and Edguy, but still didn't feel too hot.

I thought it was food poisoning (I had grabbed a sandwich at Subway Friday afternoon on my way to the venue). Until today, one of the people I shared a room with said he got the same thing Sunday night (he wasn't at Subway with me). It must have been a stomach virus or something that can be transmitted, since he had EXACTLY the same smptoms as me.

Go figure. Rock and roll is DEFINITELY a contact sport, having to fly into a tropical storm and fighting a case of the GAQS (Green Apple Quick Step). That in addition to all the other shit that is self-inflicted!!!

Have a nice day, uh-oh, oh no!!!!!! :puke:
