Did anyone else get ill from ProgPower 5?

Shane DuBose said:
I'm still freaking sick. Was sick the entire time I was there, and it's not going away. Damn the man. :cry:

Damn you Shane. You and Johan; sick bastards. I've got it good. :ill: But on the other hand, I've had a couple of days off work to catch up with the PPV pics and posts. I guess it was worth it after all. See you all next year! :D
I know alot of people that are sick the next few days after a festival weekend. You are around alot of germs naturally, drinking alot doesn't help, and add usual bad eating habits plus bad restrooms most of the time in concert clubs.

I have been lucky the last few festivals I have attended.
I thought I escaped it, but this little sore throat has been hanging on, and now my nose is stuffy...must've taken a week to take hold...I'm pounding the Echinacea and the Cold-Eeze drops (even though they're gross). Hopefully that'll knock it out of my system. I can't afford any days off!