Did anyone hear about this.... GORGOROTH

Papa Josh

Minister of Propaganda
Seems like NUCLEAR BLAST’S own Gorgoroth is the most 'SPOKEN' band in Poland this week!

They made it BIG!

One gig was played in Warsaw (1.31.04) and one in Krakow (2.01.04). For the Krakow gig the band had planned and realized recordings for a DVD and promised an exciting and outstanding show!

What can I say...the fans got value for money!

Before the show started the stage was covered. After the curtain came down the following could be seen:

Four crucified and naked models (two women + two men), spilled with sheep blood, were built up on the stage. The musicians did their show in front of that setting and to complete the spectacle the band was surrounded by more than 100 sheep heads and a lot of sheep blood on stage!

A few minutes after the musical inferno started one of the female models fainted and had to be taken down from the cross. Apart from that the show passed as planned.

But as soon as the gig was over, the police appeared and confiscated all the recordings from Krzemionki TV.

That’s what one of the chairman of the TV station said regarding the show:

"After analysing the material realized for an external producer
we decided to report to the Police that there is a possibility
that peoples' religious feelings could have been offended"
said managing director of Kraków's TV station, Andrzej Jeziorek.

Tomasz Dziubiñski from Metal Mind Production (the DVD should have been released through MMP) express:

"Artists use different means of expression – an the
organizer usually has got nothing to do with it. This kind of
concerts have got the concrete audience – not accidental
viewers. If someone felt offended we will apologize to him. We
did not mean to offend anyone"! Tomasz Dziubiñski

During the last days the band was mentioned in Gazeta, one of the biggest Polish newspapers, and a lot of other magazines, webzines etc. And of course it’s safe to say that they have to expect inquisitions regarding this controversial gig in the pope’s country!

Now no one can tell for sure, if this DVD will ever be released...

Also check out :

I don't normally leak RC forthcoming articles/features to the forum (or anywhere for that matter), but this one I just gotta share! I've got Chief B lined up for an interview with Gorgoroth to discuss these latest scandalous events in Poland. If you've read any of Chief B's interviews, then you know it'll be a laugh. :D