Gorgoroth prosecuted in Poland

Gorgoroth are an embarrassment to the Black Metal scene. They are fucking HOMOSEXUALS! How is that metal? Is it metal to stick your penis through a man's anus? That's GAY. That's degenerate garbage. I don't really care if the Romans did it. Romans and Greeks aren't exactly Aryan, but then again neither are Gorgoroth. They are filthy Slavic slime, and it shows through their pederast behavior.

How can anyone accept this? Fucking gay shit. I remember when Bard Faust killed a fag: a great day for metal.

PS: Christians are gay too because they think God will forgive them, and most churches now accept fags as bishops/pastors/priests.

I hope some true NSBMer stabs that queer, Faust-style.
Robohead said:
Gorgoroth are an embarrassment to the Black Metal scene. They are fucking HOMOSEXUALS! How is that metal?

well then, please tell me what it is "beeing metal", so we can settle that.
feel free to inform me what your definition of an aryan is as well.
what's there to be anti about, i don't care at all what two guys are doing with eachother in their bedroom, there are a lot of sicker stuff going on in bedrooms than that
I fucking hate it when bands resort to such base behaviour to cough up some premanufactured controversy. Shouldn't come as any surprise after hearing that last abortion of an album they released, or, what I heard before it put me to sleep. Tormentor was smart for bailing on them.

And if Gaahl does in fact enjoy fucking little boys (and I do doubt this story), that's his problem. I don't see how emulating the acts of Catholicism's own clergy would be the ultimate act of irreligion though. Sounds more like a pathetic excuse for deviant tendencies to me.
I forgot to add that this is not a stage show. Iron Maiden's Powerslave tour or a good Mr. Bungle concert are examples of good stage shows. What Gorgoroth did was more of a public spectacle. I would hardly be entertained by watching some guys stand still on a stage full of slaughterhouse refuse and naked people on crosses. Maybe some people find this "shocking" while others find it "cool". I find it juvanile and boring