Did anyone see me give Blind Guardian a present?


Kind of a big deal...
Aug 19, 2002
Nottingham, NH, USA
I was just wanting to know whether or not anyone saw me give Marcus Siepen a bag of popcorn after they played Into the Storm.

I was the shoulder-length-straight-blonde-haired white guy wearing the Demons and Wizards bleach shirt...

If any of you saw, and were wondering "WTF is that asshat doing?", then I'll let you know. On Blind Guardian's forum, Marcus posts every once in a while. In one of the threads the subject of salty popcorn came up, and Marcus said that he absolutely hates salty popcorn, and that he'll only eat sweet popcorn. Well, all of the American Blind Guardian Forum Members, being the comic geniuses that we are, decided that it would be a good idea to give Marcus popcorn at Progpower. As it turned out, I was the only one who followed through with the plan, but it paid off.

In exchange for the popcorn, Marcus gave me his pick =) It was the only pick that Blind Guardian gave out, and it's alllllllllllllllll mine. I'm getting it framed along with Jens Ludwig from Edguy's guitar pick (The first one he tossed out), and I'm hanging it on my wall. I was so ecstatic when I got the guitar picks from the 2 best bands there... PP3 truly was the greatest experience I've ever had in my life.

On a side note, I just want to thank everyone that was there for being so cool and so sociable. I've been to a few death and black metal concerts, and the atmosphere is totally different at those. They always have this feeling of "I'm more metal than you" and shit. I didn't feel that way at all at PP3. I could (and did) just walk up to people and started conversations, all of them being interesting, friendly, and fun. So thank you everyone for making that part of my life that much more enjoyable and memorable.
Ya man I was alittle to the right of you and I was wondering what the hell that was all about. Thanks for explaining, I forgot to ask you after the set. Maybe I'll try that trick when they play in my hometown area.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

didn't see the popcorn, but thanks for reminding me about picks; i just grabbed my pick from Edguy's bassist out of the coin pocket in my jeans that were about to go into the laundry.

Hey Curufin,
I went to see BG last night, and after the show, I gave Marcus a box of sweet popcorn. He started laughing and was alittle shocked I think. It was very cool. No pick tho. Thanks for the heads up.