Did anyone watch South Park tonight?


Jul 12, 2005
Jersey Baby
Sometimes I wonder how they manage to create these cartoons to coincide so quickly with the events that occur, since Isaac Hayes allegedly just quit the show (although that one article that was posted said it wasn't him who gave the statement at all). I won't ruin it if anyone hasnt' seen it yet but if you get a chance, you should see it. Its pretty funny, especially the end.
fuck fuck fuck new episode, i missed it i was at a friends house but its on agian at 12 so ill watch it then...
I was kind of expecting it to all be fake. I mean look at all the publicity it generated for the season premere. Then when he started talking about having sex with children I was like, Good bye chef.
They did Chef's voice with clips from episodes of the past, pieced them together and made him say things that Isaac probably wouldn't have wanted his character to say, and turned him into a child molester which is about the sickest thing ever. I took it as a slap in the face to Isaac and in true Parker and Stone fashion, totally spit in his face. I love it. These guys got balls and don't care who they offend, that's why I continue to watch.
I was never expecting to see Chef Vader. That was the funniest shit. If nothing else, this controversy might breathe a little life into South Park for a while. It will be interesting to see if there is any response from the Scientologists, er Super Adverturers.
get on the downloads jockthrax, its out there to get already

fuck waiting for it to get shown over here, channel four are still on series 7?!!?!?!? save me jebus !!!

not got it yet, should hopefully have it to see tonight, as fer the south park guys reacting quickly, only takes them a weekto make an episode so they always get to add stuff in lat the ast minute, i remember when they found saddam in a hole , 3 days later he was in south park, equipped with full on' hole beard'.... those guys rule.........

i dont think south park needed any reinventing or extra promotion tho, thos eguys just keep getting funnier and funnier..... the last few series have easily been the best they have ever done.........
yeah me too, but cos its all frame by frame all the cells are on pc these days, think they can do the actualy animating pretty quickly now........

thank crap they can too, love the edge that gives them, south park is defo my fave show on tv....ok maybe tied with curb your enthusiasm :)
They can finish episodes as close as 3 days to air date.
They are the best. No fear at all. I am constantly inspired by their humor and intelligence.
its true, its the best......always hilarious, yet can stick in the most poignant messages at the same time, clever dudes, funny dudes too which is much better