did cannibal corpse used to suck?

Pitiless Wanderer

Active Member
Jun 14, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
a long time ago i went out and bought my first and only cc album called butchered at birth. i thought at the time, that it was a pile of shit so i didnt listen to them ever again.

about 5 minutes ago i listened to two new songs from their new album "Kill" and they fucking slay. did this band get ten times better or have my tastes just changed?
VickyH said:
i dislike pat ...

it`s personal - so i dunno like cc

I don't like Pat either. I don't find his riffage very interesting.. I liked Cannibal Corpse before Corpsegrinder and Pat.

Edit: Although the new tracks are totally slaying, this is true. This is a helluva lot better then that pile of crap The Wretched Spawn. I might need to pick this up.
'Nife [Spirit Crusher] said:
I don't like Pat either. I don't find his riffage very interesting.. I liked Cannibal Corpse before Corpsegrinder and Pat.

well it`s not his style of playing guitar ... i just don`t like HIM ...
VickyH said:
well it`s not his style of playing guitar ... i just don`t like HIM ...

Oh, I know. I was just saying.:tickled:

Edit: He can be quite the dick. He's at ALOT of the local metal concerts. He's rather cold and not very personable. Maybe he's just been in a bad mood anytime i've tried to say hi to him. :tickled: