the new cannibal corpse.... (><)


stoner metal chick
Nov 30, 2003
Los Angeles
So... I am listening to a promo of the new Cannibal Corpse album.
"The Wretched Spawn" (oooo creative title) - it's supposed to be
"back to the roots - super fast, super heavy" etc etc.
Well, I am listening, and suddenly I start hearing this loud,
annoying beep. It is the same beep they used to use when airing those
Emergency Broadcast System tests on t.v. (remember those?)
So, for a minute I am looking all over my room to find out where the
annoying beep is coming from - my cell phone? no.... anyway, I soon
see that the beep is coming from the CD, because Metal Blade didn't
want people putting the album on the net or something. I understand
the internet thing and have my own opinion about that, but anyway,
there is no possible way I can objectively write a review of this album
because of this ANNOYING FUCKING BEEP!!!!!!!!!! I may go out and kill
someone and when they ask why I am going to blame it on Cannibal Corpse
and I will actually be right!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so intensely annoyed I might
go buy some Slayer shoes.

my other ramble, is that they gave the album such a gay name when
some of the other songs would make for a much better album title,
such as :
"Nothing Left To Mutliate"
"Cyanide Assassin"
or "They Deserve To Die". I cannot tell you who deserve
to die, because this promo also doesn't come with lyrics.

:ill: :yell: :erk:
on_THC_24-7 said:
So... I am listening to a promo of the new Cannibal Corpse album.
"The Wretched Spawn" (oooo creative title) - it's supposed to be
"back to the roots - super fast, super heavy" etc etc.
Well, I am listening, and suddenly I start hearing this loud,
annoying beep. It is the same beep they used to use when airing those
Emergency Broadcast System tests on t.v. (remember those?)
So, for a minute I am looking all over my room to find out where the
annoying beep is coming from - my cell phone? no.... anyway, I soon
see that the beep is coming from the CD, because Metal Blade didn't
want people putting the album on the net or something. I understand
the internet thing and have my own opinion about that, but anyway,
there is no possible way I can objectively write a review of this album
because of this ANNOYING FUCKING BEEP!!!!!!!!!! I may go out and kill
someone and when they ask why I am going to blame it on Cannibal Corpse
and I will actually be right!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so intensely annoyed I might
go buy some Slayer shoes.

my other ramble, is that they gave the album such a gay name when
some of the other songs would make for a much better album title,
such as :
"Nothing Left To Mutliate"
"Cyanide Assassin"
or "They Deserve To Die". I cannot tell you who deserve
to die, because this promo also doesn't come with lyrics.

:ill: :yell: :erk:
hmmm...I never did like cannibal corpse...
on_THC_24-7 said:
So... I am listening to a promo of the new Cannibal Corpse album.
"The Wretched Spawn" (oooo creative title)

I am so intensely annoyed I might
go buy some Slayer shoes.

:ill: :yell: :erk:

hahaha! :lol:

boy, do i know the feeling...
i hate it when lables do things like that to "demage" the promo.
its exactly how you said, how on earth do u expect me to write a review on that one???
i have a huge list of promos i got with a certain defect that lable did to it, you wouldnt believe...

anyhow, about Canibal Corpse..
i like them, i like their old metirial, but i always thought that CC is a "useless" band, do u know what i mean?
if aliens would kidnap them from this plannet, no one will miss them in the metal scene, despite the fact that they have some good songs here and there.

plus, i REALLY hate Six Feet Under, and Chris Barnes is just sooo bad there.
and on CC he is one of the best death metal vocalists ever.
so like..
what happened????

oh btw, hows the new album?
is it good?
im still waiting for my promos on the mail...
don't blame cannibal corpse, they didn't do it, its their label's fault (metal blade?)

their bleeps were easily snipped out of the songs with the new Crown album.. so its likely the same with the new CC

ooooh hey now, six feet under is awesome, and i think barnes' vocals are great (except for on the new one, which is a pretty damn pitiful album all over)... but its a different style than CC... i much prefer sfu
Total mindless, riffing, and shit death metal
I love the crap inserted now, into the stuff from winmx and kazaa, makes it interesting..hahaha
Dead_Lioness said:
anyhow, about Canibal Corpse..
i like them, i like their old metirial, but i always thought that CC is a "useless" band, do u know what i mean?
no I don't. :mad:

Dead_Lioness said:
Chris Barnes is just sooo bad there.
and on CC he is one of the best death metal vocalists ever.

Chromatose said:
ooooh hey now, six feet under is awesome, and i think barnes' vocals are great (except for on the new one, which is a pretty damn pitiful album all over)... but its a different style than CC... i much prefer sfu
:tickled: *rummages for maximum violence cd*
that new 'bringer of blood' crap from sfu can go right down the toilet!
but maximum violence and the haunting are great
What did happen to those Emergency Broadcast System things?

I remember listening to an OSI promo and this thing came on in the middle of the song talking about how it's the promo and all this other shit. Annoyed the crap out of me.
ct_thrash said:
by the way THC, i want to pee in your avatar

That is NOT a urinal MISSY! :lol:

I'm :Spam: ing again.

It's a strong album...but it's midpaced. I really like "Blunt Force Castration." I don't know, I think it's funny when the only words you can pick out distinctly are: "Testicles!"

And Chromatose...there are no Zombie songs. Unless you would consider....."Festering in The Crypt" as a close substitute.
I used to know someone who would drink the bong water. Intentionally. CT, he really needed you to pee in his bong.....I'm positive he woulda stopped his repellent drinking habits after that.

unknown said:

you might as well piss in the person's mouth

er-- :hotjump:

It's not just metal blade that's retarded, at least they only got beeps, roadrunner has a message that says "<insert artist name> new album out in stores <insert date>", what a bunch of fuckers. Reviewers are getting pissed off at all this. But I guess as an anti-piracy method it's pretty effective.