Did Dave Mustane screw over the Canadian band WARMACHINE?

David Gold

Son of the Darkest Blues
Feb 20, 2004
No hometown, Ontario.

MEGADETH mainman Dave Mustane has commented on the band's upcoming UK tour, which will feature JOB FOR A COWBOY and EVILE in the support slots.

A poll was held via The Live Line to help MEGADETH choose the support act for the tour, and the Toronto, Ontario, Canada-based band WARMACHINE won with 21 percent of the vote. However, according to Mustaine, "WARMACHINE has no means or way to do the tour, but I am sure they will agree it was fun and good exposure for them.

"So what's the purpose of the poll? What's the purpose of words if you don't read them?

"Gigantour UK is about building a brand for the future. Sounds Of The Underground are not going out this year (if ever again) and I would rather play it smart than be stupid and be done in one to two years.

"EVILE were the highest ranking band that had all of the things we were looking for in an opener and we are using the poll as a gft to local talent to get on some shows — so you should be a little more understanding — but you prolly wont — and I don't care. There are several shows here we are going to give local bands a chance to play with us, not so they can 'play with MEGADETH,' but so that they can get a break.

"God knows you guys have made it possible for me, and we are all just looking for a little help, aren't we?

"I mean really, aren't we?

"And JOB FOR A COWBOY is a special guest, and if you don't like them, you don't have to listen. Face it, three of the the UK shows were sold out before we even mentioned who was playing. You will go home happy, trust me!"

From War Machine's website:


I have to address a matter that I am very unhappy about. Dave Mustaine has stated that "Warmachine do not have the means to do the tour". This is COMPLETELY UNTRUE! We had MORE than enough means to do the tour (ie. tour support, work visas, passports, crew, etc.). Dave nor his management have not even bothered to contact us at all during this whole thing. So he/they would not be aware of that.

Joe Di Taranto

If that's true, its very unfortunate. and I voted for Warmachine in that poll, even though I know someone in Evile. I know Dave has been known to do some questionable things in the past but I really hope this was just a misunderstanding.
Wow. Upon my reading of Mustaine's statement I was like "metal is a tough business, thats fair"... but, if its totally untrue... well thats just fuckin lame.
How the shit is this on so many different forums? Mustaine may be a jackoff, but it is a business, this tour stuff, and like any business, the promoter has to look out for viability and such first. If anything, maybe he just doesn't like/doesn't know Warmachine and wrote them off. Fans of course get all frothy at the mouth, while superdave is perfectly entitled to run his show the way he wants, jackoff or not. Big deal
How the shit is this on so many different forums? Mustaine may be a jackoff, but it is a business, this tour stuff, and like any business, the promoter has to look out for viability and such first. If anything, maybe he just doesn't like/doesn't know Warmachine and wrote them off. Fans of course get all frothy at the mouth, while superdave is perfectly entitled to run his show the way he wants, jackoff or not. Big deal

My first thought about this is why would you let bands into a contest who would not be allowed to win? Wouldn't it make sense to only accept bands who you would accept as the winner? Business is business, but sometimes you have to take a hit to save your reputation when you goof up. I'd think the world of Mustane if he actually did take WARMACHINE on tour. Just remember that all of this was MEGADETH's idea and doing this to a band that has worked hard while playing th rules of their game and won, is just plain cruel. Some could argue that all this newfound hate towards Mustane is in fact still promotion for him because we are all talking about him, etc... So yes I agree that this will make him more (in)famous but Ibecause 'd second guess ever buying anything MEGA or seeing that tour from now on, I don't think this move will prove to have made him a better businessman in the long run.

"I don't feel that is the right thing to do artistically, but I do think this is the right thing to do FINANCIALLY!!!" - Nathan Explosion.
My point was rather, if in his opinion he feels the band isn't up to tour standards, that's his call and everyone else should just stfu about it. Of course, I agree with everybody else that he's a jerkoff retard for not contacting the band about it. But the decision is ultimately his and all these threads springing up crying boo hoo are essentially purposeless.
To above:

1) It says "WARMACHINE has no means or way to do the tour", implying they don't have the money or equipment or something. That has nothing to do with the bands inability to play well live or something.

2) These threads aren't pointless, Mustaine is nothing without his fans, and we're the metal fans. Usually the metal scene has a very "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine" mentality when it comes to larger bands supporting smaller ones by bringing them on tour and what not. This completely destroys that vital mentality.

Addressing point 1: Like I said, if idiotface Dave thinks they don't have the money or equipment, that's his call. He's a dipshit for not asking them if they did first and just guessing. If you'd look above, I never mentioned ability to play live.

Addressing point 2: Let's face it, Mustaine has thousands upon thousands of fans. He will continue to have thousands upon thousands of fans whether you all picket and protest or not. When Sharon Osbourne flipped a shit at Iron Maiden a few years back, many fans were pissed. But Ozzy still has tons of fans. These sort of things are inevitable because the mass audience the bands in question draw are rabid followers, regardless of the state of quality or morality of the band members.

Is this an affront to the community spirit of music? Sure. Definitely. Is anything going to be accomplished by bitching about it on a forum MegaDave doesn't even read, less his countless fans? We both know the answer is no. In fact, in all honesty I'm only continuing to participate in this discussion because of boredom.