Mustaine screws over War Machine?

Pardon me for being nieve, but isn't Earache an indie label same as Nightmare? I understand that they are a more well known label, but I was just wondering.

The label that discovered Napalm Death and Carcass, as well as having released At The Gates' 'Slaughter Of The Soul' is not in the same arena as Nightmare from a financial standpoint, indie or not.

This was obviously a business move. And I think that if there wasn't a poll and Mustaine kicked off Warmachine in favor for Evile it would have been more understandable. However, the fact that they gave these bands false hope with this poll is pretty shitty.

Also, as DoomsdayZach pointed out, even though you all (including myself) dislike Job For a Cowboy, they are one of the biggest newcomers around right now (whether that be thanks to myspace and self promotion as well as Metal Blade putting a nice chunk of change into them). They are also a wise business move.

Evile is a good band though. Even if you don't like them, it's not like it's their fault Warmachine didn't get on the bill.
Once again you have associated selling a lot of albums and having a fanbase is equal to being a good musician. I believe that about a year or so ago, this was your reasoning for Dream Theater being good too. I'm at work so I don't have time to look through the older posts, but will try to later. Your reasoning for Mustaine being a good musician (lots of albums and a large fanbase) are actually reasons for being a good businessman, not a musician.

True that many albums and a fanbase doesn't make one a good musician. I think John ment to say that Dave is a pitiful excuse for a person rather than musician. That may or may not be true, but he certainly did a pitiful thing.
Ascension's logic to "prove" that he's not a pitiful musician doesn't really hold up. However, if you're going to argue that he's wrong, and that Mustaine actually is a pitiful musician, I don't think you're going to make much headway here or anywhere else in the Metal community.
True that many albums and a fanbase doesn't make one a good musician. I think John ment to say that Dave is a pitiful excuse for a person rather than musician. That may or may not be true, but he certainly did a pitiful thing.
Ascension's logic to "prove" that he's not a pitiful musician doesn't really hold up. However, if you're going to argue that he's wrong, and that Mustaine actually is a pitiful musician, I don't think you're going to make much headway here or anywhere else in the Metal community.

That's true, but I don't believe I ever said I believed he was a shitty musician. I love most of the 'Deth albums, but I'm still going to disagree with his logic as to what makes someone a good musician. I would give that same retort to anyone who said that selling lots of albums and having a fanbase meant someone was a good musician. Britney Spears anyone?
Job For A Cowboy has a fanbase because they cater to the ignorant. And there's plenty of them to go around.

Gigantour was started to cater to those bands and fans who are BETTER than the ignorant masses wanna hear. Who expect to hear something BETTER than what should stay on Ozzfest's crap second stage and Sharon's evil reputation.

:rolleyes: get off your high horse.
lol I don't even think Dave is that good of a musician either. All of the great "musicianship" in Megadeth came from his many lead guitarists. Mustaine is a decent songwriter I guess though.
That's true, but I don't believe I ever said I believed he was a shitty musician. I love most of the 'Deth albums, but I'm still going to disagree with his logic as to what makes someone a good musician. I would give that same retort to anyone who said that selling lots of albums and having a fanbase meant someone was a good musician. Britney Spears anyone?

Sure...sales & fans are not necessarily clear indications of talent. But, as in most things...there are always exceptions. DT definitely being one of them. Mustaine is in no way an outstandingly talented musician...l do think he is a good one. As usual...we're entering the realm of personal opinion...but millions of album sales, fans, headlining tours help prove my case. Your proof that they're not good musicians...?
What RMS said. It's the general condescending attitude of the post. I'm tired of the metal scene as a whole being this competition of who listens to the most underground or obscure bands and who looks down their nose at people who listen to bands in revolver. Christ people.

Edit: quick example is that I'm well aware of prog, the "superior" musicianship and composition, the "deeper" lyrical themes, etc. etc. etc. I chose to listen to Municipal Waste, Tankard, Manowar, and all kinds of bands that are probably viewed as lower forms of music by the vast majority of the folks here. People can be well aware of other types of metal and still just like their less complex stuff more. Yeah, I think JFaC is false metal, but fuck if i'm going to demonize someone for enjoying them.
What RMS said. It's the general condescending attitude of the post. I'm tired of the metal scene as a whole being this competition of who listens to the most underground or obscure bands and who looks down their nose at people who listen to bands in revolver. Christ people.

I don't think I have a problem with them just for the sake of it. I have a problem with them getting so much attention for rehashing what has already been done in the genre before. They aren't offering anything new, what they're doing has been done better and yet they get an inordinate amount of attention for it. :lol:
Interesting that is Dave's new venture, he's hoping to get indie bands to use this to promote them selves for a small fee, why would there be such a need to handle this so poorly? Gee Dave, now you know the situation, and the feedback from the fans and the band, let's see, will you try and make it right?

"Prolly....Not!" ; )

Why? because you really don't care, you already said so.....or are you denying ever stating the blabbermouth statement? or the statement in the MEGADETH forums that the blabbermouth statement was derived from.....

Just curious....

I smell some interviews for Warmachine coming......
Interesting that is Dave's new venture, he's hoping to get indie bands to use this to promote them selves for a small fee, why would there be such a need to handle this so poorly? Gee Dave, now you know the situation, and the feedback from the fans and the band, let's see, will you try and make it right?

"Prolly....Not!" ; )

Why? because you really don't care, you already said so.....or are you denying ever stating the blabbermouth statement? or the statement in the MEGADETH forums that the blabbermouth statement was derived from.....

Just curious....

I smell some interviews for Warmachine coming......

I'd love to turn my "Mike Wallace" interview style on Dave Mustaine and Warmachine. :)

I wonder if Dave would agree to an interview with me? (Yeah, "prolly not.")

I could do an interview with Warmachine that would set the Internet ablaze.

Would it be worth it? Should I contact them?

I'd love to turn my "Mike Wallace" interview style on Dave Mustaine and Warmachine. :)

I wonder if Dave would agree to an interview with me? (Yeah, "prolly not.")

I could do an interview with Warmachine that would set the Internet ablaze.

Would it be worth it? Should I contact them?


DO IT BILL!!!!!!!!!!

The reality is that Dave is setting this up to be a direct competitor to OzzFest. He wants to prolong his own career by having an OzzFest-type festival to operate on at any given time. That, my friends, takes money. To make that money, you need asses in the seats. As much as I believe that Dave Mustaine handled this pretty badly, and that WarMachine got it all the way up without sweet nothings, kisses and flowers, that reality is that the music business is a cutthroat one. It is all about what lines the headliner's, in this case Mustaine's, pockets. If it meant screwing over a band fronted by his own mother to add fannies in the seats, I truly believe he would.

My two cents.
I don't think I have a problem with them just for the sake of it. I have a problem with them getting so much attention for rehashing what has already been done in the genre before. They aren't offering anything new, what they're doing has been done better and yet they get an inordinate amount of attention for it. :lol:

That could be said for a crapload of bands in just about every genre...Circus Maximus for example.
I talked to a good pal of Glen Drover today and he said Glen wanted to spend more time with his son . Prior to Megadeth he was the main caregiver for him, so he couldn't stand being away. and the travelling was taken its toll as well...

Yea I was actually tempted to call Glen today and ask him but figured I'd wait a few days and see what plays out.

This very well could be great news for Eidolon fans. ;)
Wow, this thread is hilarious. All this talk about 'screwing over' and people all butt-hurt because their wishes didn't come true. This thread wouldn't even be started if it were Glen's fest, but you guys think it's alright to pick on would-be-promoter Dave. classy. It's a business and shit happens. You all should know that by now?