Mustaine screws over War Machine?

So basically you're saying you are going by the title and didn't bother to read the rules. Not my problem, and certainly not Dave's problem.

Also, from one of the Warmachine guys themselves:

What we tried to set straight is the fact that nobody from Megadeth contacted us at any point, so his statement of "Warmachine doesnt have the means" had no grounds. And we feel it was important to clear that up in case that any other band or promoter might have been thinking of inviting us to Europe, and perhaps after reading Mustaine's comment they might not even bother to contact us. We're not saying that Mustaine lied about how the poll worked, but he shouldnt have said what he said about Warmachine the way he said it.

This is perfectly reasonable and much less bitchy than I assumed they were being (my bad). Doesn't change the fact that the rest of the comments about how dave "screwed them over by not letting them tour" and so forth are just silly.
that is true, but how can you defend the fact he never gave them any information of what that "reality" supposedly to come crashing down on them was..... before posting "THE DON'T HAVE THE MEANS TO DO THE TOUR".
In his own forums?

I mean come on dude, hello!

simply put totally uncool.

It's not really a stretch to assume that. Again, i'm not saying it was the best thing for him to do, but based on his years of experience in the music scene, i can understand how it wouldn't be a huge leap to get to the conclusion of "hey, there's a young band without big label support to pay their way on this tour"... let's be honest, 99% of the time, Dave would be dead-fucking-on. Just so happened that the 1% showed up to bite him in the ass, and that sucks. Still, i don't see him as this malicious, evil person who's rubbing together and laughing maniacally. Honestly, if i were to look at the situation on paper, I would assume the exact same thing.
Did anyone also consider that Dave may have said that based on the fact that he knows what it costs for a young band to go overseas and the expenses involved? I know it does no good to try to talk any sense around here, but just saying that Dave IS a seasoned veteren, no matter how you slice it. Maybe he knows what the fuck he's talking about.

Actually, I, too, would like to interview Warmachine. I write for Global Domination (some of you saw my epica review. it slayed and you know it). I would absolutely love to do an interview that doesn't come from the perspective of "Oh, you were screwed out of a tour never promised to you in the first place. here's a tissue." Not saying i'd be a dick, but it would be interesting yeah?

Knowing the guys personally I can say that they do have the ways and means of pulling off a tour. Dave has no clue what he's talking about. I think at this point the guys are more pissed that Dave would go out and say that without contacting them rather than them actually not getting on the tour. Joe and the guys are professionals and I'd bet if it were handled in a professional manner than it'd be water under the bridge. I would guess at this they're worried about people reading this and overlooking them on future tour opportunities because Mustaine posted this as if it were fact.
So basically you're saying you are going by the title and didn't bother to read the rules. Not my problem, and certainly not Dave's problem.

Also, from one of the Warmachine guys themselves:

This is perfectly reasonable and much less bitchy than I assumed they were being (my bad). Doesn't change the fact that the rest of the comments about how dave "screwed them over by not letting them tour" and so forth are just silly.

Dude it's a screwjob, and if it's not it's shitty "bait and switch" style business. Why even have the contest in the first place? Exposure? Wasn't Sonic Syndicate also in that contest as if they need exposure lol.

With that said, I highly doubt the Warmachine guys had the means of doing this tour unless if they are loaded (I wouldn't know). It's actually pretty crummy of Dave to expect the band to cover the buy on as well as flight costs etc. Why even bother to do this contest? Gigantour was cool because small bands got rockstar treatment... Have you seen the tourbuses that those bands got? Jeez! Dunno what happened to Dave now.
Now I hear Glenn Dover is out of Megadeth too, which Chris Broderick of Jag Panzer taking over the 2nd guitar spot.

MEGADETH mainman Dave Mustaine has finally officially confirmed that the band has parted ways with guitarist Glen Drover and replaced him with Chris Broderick (NEVERMORE, JAG PANZER).

A short video clip of the new MEGADETH guitarist Chris Broderick (also of NEVERMORE and JAG PANZER) performing the band's song "Sleepwalker" can be viewed below
MEGADETH mainman Dave Mustaine has finally officially confirmed that the band has parted ways with guitarist Glen Drover and replaced him with Chris Broderick (NEVERMORE, JAG PANZER).

A short video clip of the new MEGADETH guitarist Chris Broderick (also of NEVERMORE and JAG PANZER) performing the band's song "Sleepwalker" can be viewed below

GOOD! Heres hoping to a new EIDOLON CD!
I thought everyone already knew Dave Mustaine was a douche.
Doesn't surprise me that he picked Evile it was the best business decision and thats what he does.
Though adding JFAC could disprove that or prove that hes more of a douche heh

I still have the highest respect for Dave as on a musician stand point of course.
Well, I actually took the time to read the WHOLE thing. While the reader can only know the "facts" from what was printed, the article seemed pretty damn thorough. So from its contents, Mustaine isn't looking ethical or believable, and Di Taranto seems to have handled the situation as best he could. Interesting to see if anything else results from this. I will say, I guarantee I'll make a huge effort to see any gigs by Warmachine. Megadeth? Been there, done that. Not feeling compelled to see them again on this one.
"Even Wikipedia, which is known for its unbiased reporting of only the facts..."




I had a chuckle over this as well.

Also this:

"By the following morning, Di Taranto says he was contacted again, this time by Dave McRobb, their mutual webmaster, who informed him that Mustaine was ready to sue him for slander and ‘would take WARMACHINE down’. He was instructed again to calm the fans, as well as issue an apology to everyone, including Mustaine, Megadeth, and"

is flabbergasting.