Did Garm leave Arcturus?

he left Arcturus some time ago it seems
it's a fucking shame...
someone said they already had a replacement
Ulver has 5 releases planned this year, even Garm cant' accomplish that while being in another band. ;)
It's a shame Garm left, but look at it this way, at least now there's a possibility that we can all see Arcturus live. Garm is a great vocalist but even I can pull off some of the shit he does and I'm only a fucking guitar player (I could never hit those falsettos on Sham Mirrors in a millions years, but his singing on LMI and Themes... is pretty easy to pull off). I only hope his replacement has his (or her) own personality and doesn't just mimick Garm.

This is the same reason he left Borknagar. They got serious and wanted to tour and he refused to perform live.
This is sad. Oh well. I'm sure both Arcturus and Garm will continue to create good music. I've also just read the news story about Limbonic Art splitting. I'm soooo sad...