Did you miss any local shows for ProgPower?


Sep 28, 2004
Boston MA
(from the chat room)
ProgPower is a top draw for most, or all, of us, but other tours don't come to screeching halt for ProgPower weekend. Did you have to skip any shows happening during, or around PP, in your city, in order to make ProgPower?

In Detroit both Napalm Death/Exodus, and Mastodon played shows that I missed to go to ProgPower. They were both on the same night, so no matter what I would have had to make a choice. Obviously I believe I made the right decision by doing PP over those two. Ironically, I love Mastodon, but I have not seen them any of the half-dozen or so times they've toured near me in the past 3 years. Something always happens and I end up not going. Maybe I'll NEVER see them.

EDIT: I also missed a Buckethead show from not getting back in time.

Post your skips if you had any.
Well, it wasn't technically during PP7 - since my flight was due to get back to Denver at about 6 - with an hour drive (w/o traffic) I could have been back to Colorado Springs at about 7. Unfortunately the flight was a bit late and the Broncos game went into overtime - so by the time I got home it ws closer to 730-745.
Dragonforce was set to play at a club about a mile away - and originally I planned on hitting that as well to wrap up the weekend, but by the time I got home - a buddy was already at my house with beer & food coz he wasnted to watch the football game and his satellite at his new place wasnt turned on yet - so being tired, broke and not wanting to drive even a mile back after drinking (I prolly still had quite a bit left in my system from the airport bar) - Dragonforce was a no-go.


I had to skip Kamelot on Friday night in Ft. Lauderdale and then again on Saturday in St. Petersburg, because I would have gone to both..

I had to miss Gigantour.

I almost got a ticket as my flight was due in at 5:30 PM Sunday. The airport is out by the outdoor venue is was at so I COULD have got in and gone over there right away and at least seen the closing bands. But as fate would have it, I was stuck in Atlanta while DFW was closed due to weather and didn't get to New Mexico till 10pm.

Eh, money saved for next years PP. :)
kellsco said:
I had to miss Gigantour.

I almost got a ticket as my flight was due in at 5:30 PM Sunday. The airport is out by the outdoor venue is was at so I COULD have got in and gone over there right away and at least seen the closing bands. But as fate would have it, I was stuck in Atlanta while DFW was closed due to weather and didn't get to New Mexico till 10pm.

Eh, money saved for next years PP. :)

Yeah man, and even if your flight had made it on time, you probably made the right choice anyway. Unless you're totally obsessed with the Gigantour bands, it would have been nowhere near as cool of an experience, and with PP fresh in your mind you probably would not have been into it much. Given that Gigantour has bands who all tour on their own anyway, you'll have plenty of chances to see them soon.

My PP, Gigantour, and Kamelot shows are spaced out by a week each, so I have adequate recovery time and a nice "spread" of shows over a good period of time (and a week before PP was Unearth who I do like, so that's 4 weeks of cool shows).
Empress said:

I had to skip Kamelot on Friday night in Ft. Lauderdale and then again on Saturday in St. Petersburg, because I would have gone to both..

I missed the Kamelot show in St. Pete, as well.
Celtic Frost played the days prior to the roadtrip, but I didn't go to either show. Deadsy (I'm sure they have no fans on here, but I have been in love with them since I was about 13 :p ) played here on Sunday while we were driving home for 10 hours.

Last year we missed that Oliva's Pain/Chris Caffery show, which was funny considering the 2 years before I had been able to see Savatage or the members of 'Tage perform together :p (Once at the Oliva tribute and then again at PP V). Of course as last year we did come home to an extra Progpower delight (Kamelot/Epica this year, Strato/Into Eternity last year). Cheers!
Empress said:

I had to skip Kamelot on Friday night in Ft. Lauderdale and then again on Saturday in St. Petersburg, because I would have gone to both..


Same here
We missed Jorn!

Sounds funny, huh? but it's true. While we had already traveled to Atlanta, he was doing a solo gig in Belgium on Sep 13th, - just around the corner from where we live... :rolleyes:

I'd have gone mad, if my main reason for the PP hadn't been Evergrey (for Carina!) all along!
I missed the Kamelot show in St. Pete. But since I saw them several months ago in Seminole, it wasn't a huge loss.
Last year Obituary & Napalm Death played Atlanta on one of the nights of ProgPower. I managed to go, but I don't remember if it was after ProgPower was over that night, or if I went and then came back.