
Mar 13, 2002
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So, what do you guys think of it?
I think they are three of the greatest action films ever made. #2 was a little weak but it was well worth it when #3 rolled around. Die Hard With A Vengeance may very well be the best of the trilogy. It even had Sam jackson in it and we all know he's a "bad motherfucker."

And wouldn't you like to see the rumoured 'Die Hard 4: Die Trying' in a theatre near you sum day? McLane supposedly bites the big one in this script. Fitting end to a great action character wouldn't you say?

The first one was a kick ass! The third one too, the second was weaker.
Hans Gruber is my favourite villain!!!!!
I remember that the big rumour years ago was Die Hard in the Jungle and then Bruce came out with 'Tears Of the Sun'. Damned good movie, but how anyone could think it was a Die Hard flick I'll never know.
I am into Die Hard. Jenna Jameson was in that, right?

Oh, You meant The Bruce Willis movies. Great series.

Die Hard 4 is set to film this summer.

I don't know if I'd be into him dying though. I am cool with that when it's a realistic movie or whatever but when it's over-the-top action, I like dead bad guys. I don't want them to Stephen King me. :lol: Almost every Stephen King book always has at least half the good guys or all of the good guys die.

GregadetH said:
So, what do you guys think of it?
I think they are three of the greatest action films ever made. #2 was a little weak but it was well worth it when #3 rolled around. Die Hard With A Vengeance may very well be the best of the trilogy. It even had Sam jackson in it and we all know he's a "bad motherfucker."

And wouldn't you like to see the rumoured 'Die Hard 4: Die Trying' in a theatre near you sum day? McLane supposedly bites the big one in this script. Fitting end to a great action character wouldn't you say?

it kicks ass, i got it for christmas when it came out. #3 was killer, i was really surprised because by the time most movie franchises get to #3, #3 is the one they never should have made, or at least it is the point where the movies start sucking.
johnnieCzech said:
Hans Gruber is my favourite villain!!!!!


The first is a fucking institution.

The second was ok William Sadler is not the best actor but I think he did his part well. Got some cool action in it.

The only thing I really like in the third is Jackson. In the first two McClane had sidekicks who felt for him and wanted to help him but in this he gets help from someone who doesn´t like him and is a racist. However the story is fucking stupid, Irons overacts and Willis goes through the badguys like a fucking chainsaw and jumps from trucks and exploding ships even though he´s supposed to be a wreck. I liked it better when the he really had to FIGHT the baddies one at a time. But the scene in the elevator is top notch action.

Come to think about it my fav line from the movies is from Die Harder:

"Hey asshole what do I look like to you?"
"A sitting duck."

Now that´s macho! :)
Good!!!...But The Lethal Weapon Series can't be denied as being as good or better than the Diehard flicks...

An old friend wants to say hello.............. :yow:
What's going on Hamster Man???

The Mad Max movies do rock!!! But I don't think they're better..
I'll go as good....But not better.


Arg_Hamster said:
Hi T-man! Yeah Lethal Weapon 1 and 2 are cool, "Diplomaric Imunity!". But Mad Max is better!
remington69 said:
I read that the new title to Die Hard 4 is "Die Hard 4.0"

Yippee-ki-yay mother fucker!

imdb.com has it listed as Die Hard 4.0. Bruce is finally doing another one. Ive always liked these movies since the first one.
T_man357 said:
What's going on Hamster Man???

The Mad Max movies do rock!!! But I don't think they're better..
I'll go as good....But not better.


Alright... but Gibson wears that leatherjacket very well, right. Just like my avatar.

Anyone fancy Gibson running around in speedos in the next Mad Max-movie?

T-Man, you really fell in love with the googley eyes? :)