
Wow! Tons of replies, thanks guys...

Right now I want to lose this weight more than anything. Everything is unproportional lol. Skinny arms, skinny legs, big ass gut. Damnit!!

Thanks for all the tips CJ and others. I think a large % of it is mental. Getting my ass up to go run is the HARDEST thing for me to do. That and I'm so out of shape that I can go 5-7 minutes and I'm dying. I guess I just need to start slow.

I think exercising would give me some good motivation in general. Sitting around all day working or whatnot gets pretty boring.

Those that weight train: Can one get away with just free weights to become cut and gain a bit of mass?? Just looking to increase the biceps, forearms, and chest a bit.


Oh another thing. Might be a superficial thing, BUT what do you guys do about BEER!!!???

I love me some Sierra Nevada and other not so good for you beers. I just can't imagine cutting it out completely. I don't engorge on the stuff every night, but like to have a few with dinner or when I'm out sometimes.

You can get the best work out of your life with just dumbbells... Search online for some dumbbell routines, you don't need any fancy equipment to do some good weight training. I work on a camp 3800 km from home and the gym has tons of equipment and I still do all my weight training with dumbbells. Build a better core and helps with your balance.

That website has a couple of cool dumbbell routines and descriptions/pictures of tons of different dumbbell exercises, check it out!
I suck at this kinda thing when I'm working with audio 12+ hours and totally forget to eat all together in spite of my paste-like saliva and dizzy spells when I stand up.
That being said, I take a multivitamin and extra b-complex supplement. low-carb protein supplements anytime of day I feel hungry as well as eggs, chicken, tuna, beef, um...meat.
I drink like a fish, water, tea, coffee, energy drinks, milk occasionally. Gym 3-5 days a week on average, 20 minute eliptical cardio before every workout.
Circuit style weight training based on push-pull rotations. This has been the most effective for me over any other dieting I've tried before.
It doesn't hurt that the Mrs makes sure I get my vegetables with dinner.
A healthy way to drop some baggage quick is a diet I learned from a body builder.
1-2 cups oats for breakfast (replace with toast if you like)
eat 1-2 cans of tuna every 4-5 hours for the rest of the day and drink water like a madman
after a week start including other foods, the healthier the better obviously
do a bit of cardio daily with this and you'll notice a difference in how you feel and look pretty fast
this is just a jumpstart and not meant to be over-done
You can get the best work out of your life with just dumbbells... Search online for some dumbbell routines, you don't need any fancy equipment to do some good weight training. I work on a camp 3800 km from home and the gym has tons of equipment and I still do all my weight training with dumbbells. Build a better core and helps with your balance.

That website has a couple of cool dumbbell routines and descriptions/pictures of tons of different dumbbell exercises, check it out!

Um... you're fucking *American*. You don't drink beer. Just water down some horse piss and toss some oatmeal in the bottom.

I took up MMA and its killer for fitness and i feel better walking down a dark allyway at night. I cant stand going to gyms to lift weights or run on a tradmill i lose interest to quickly throw a guy twice your size on your back and run with him back and forth across the dojo now thats where its at:lol:
You CAN get a good cardiovascualr excersise with weights.

Use lighter weights then you would use. (Failure of rep at around 12 or so)
Do a full body weight routine in circuit fashion (go from one excersise to the next.
About 30-60 mins of that and you'll have burned some shit.
I was a real fatso when I was a little kid. I did sports and stuff, but I also hung out a lot in front of the computer and eated a lot of junk-food crap.
Then it made *click* - the trick is that you just need to know about your food, you need to know what you eat. On my "route" I first became vegetarian and now I'm actually vegan for two years (for ethical reasons).

When you start to recognize how much crap you eat, you automatically begin to develop a different relation to food.

It's also a mistake to totally ban sweets or "bad" carbs! BAAAD mistake!
You can eat everything - as long as you know how much you should eat of it.
White rice for example. Of course it's not ideal - but it tastes good, right? So eat it - with a lot of vegetables and a light sauce.

The best thing to do is to think about what's on your table. Where it comes from, what it has been and where it's going.
The vegan diet is really popular with the core kids at college. Truth be told I have yet to meet a healthy looking vegan. They always look washed out and pale.

Not knocking it just questioning as to how good it is for your body to quit animal.
The deal with that is, You NEED protein .
There's very little protein in comparison without animal products.
Yeah there's Soy you might be saying BUT.

That has shown to cause some problems with different people. Plus it can raise estrogen levels, which is bad especially if your a dude and don't wanna look like a skinny atrophied 12 year old girl.

Soy every once in a while is good but I don't believe it's a good idea to just completely live off that fake shit.
First: yeah, veganism is popular with core-kids all over the world. How glad I am, that I have nothing in common with the majority of those guys (I'm speaking of the type of guys that look like hip-hop-guys).

Okay ... on topic (hell, it's not easy to write all that stuff in english - I have never discussed veganism with english speaking people :D)
It plain wrong to say, vegans do not get enough proteins (or vitamins, or iron or whatever). It's a fact, that people in the western world actually do eat TO MUCH proteins (from the meat-based diet), which isn't healthy as well. Of course vegans do have to ensure that they get enough of proteins, vitamins etc. But carnivores should, too. Actually there is only ONE vitamin, that you can't get from just eating plant-based foods - Vitamin B12. Fortunately soy milk and corn flakes are full of a synthetic version of that vitamin. I know I know ... it's synthetic - but I prefer eating ONE synthetic vitamin, than eating animal-based foods - honestly.

I was disgusted when I learned how polluted animal-based foods are (unless you hunt your own food in the deepest forests of norway haha).
Pork is full with drugs, fish is full with all, what pollutes the oceans etc. How disgusting is it, that we feed meat-and-bone-meal to the cattle. It's like you have to eat your own grandma. And in the end it's a whole generation that lies on your plate :D

Plus ... I don't need to worry about my cholesterol ;)
Just look at buddhist monks - a lot of them live the majority of their lives on a vegan diet.

Honestly ... at the moment I look pale and washed out, too. But that comes from a lot of stress in the last months :D
Actually I'm fitter than ever. I just need to start running and biking again. Summer comes ;)

If your active and trying to build muscle/lose fat eating too much protein isn't going to be an issue. It is really quite hard to get too much protein.
The vitamins in todays produce are basically non existent through overworking the soil, so no one is really getting all the vitamins and minerals through there food like everyone says. It's just not happenin.
Another thing is , cholestrol shouldn't be much of a problem if you cook your food properly without saturating it in butter, oils etc, And if you don't eat red meat, and whole eggs all day you should really be fine in that department.

I'm not bashing vegans or vegetarians,. I used to be one of them..
No offense too but....
I personally think that Buddhist monks are the LAST people I would want to look like body wise.

It's possible but it's quite a challenge to be a healthy Vegan. That's my main point.
It's possible but it's quite a challenge to be a healthy Vegan. That's my main point.

I haven't had any issues so far and I know a lot of vegans, that haven't either. But I think I know what you mean ;)

My point is, if you know, what you're doing it is NO challenge to be a healthy vegan.
Well I guess my main point overall is most people DON'T know how to do it right.
Anyway I think we cjust leave it at some sort of cliched saying such as something like " more ways up the mountain than one"

Not to go to off topic here but I have heard of vegans in this area feeding vegan food to thier dog. Needless to say they killed thier pet.

Dude, Dogs (Cats too - but they are different to handle as far as I remember) CAN be fed on a vegan diet and they can live a long and healthy life. At the moment I can't exactly tell you why - but it's true. It's because of some biological crap (enzymes or something like that). You can find a lot of information on that on the internet - biological declaration included.

I don't want to go off-topic either - just want to minimize some prejudices. I hope I don't come off like the board-hippie or something like that :D

On Topic:
Hot food is good for your metabolism! So get yourself tons of tabasco, sambal oelek! :D