
^ I cut out soda and all carbonated drinks at new year. My damn jeans are falling down constantly now... that's just so annoying! I've started drinking around 2-3 litres of water a day. I don't feel any better for it, though.

My diet is absolutely abysmal, though...
This makes for interesting reading (and viewing). This is where some of the cast for '300' trained to get in shape for the movie. See Here and also Here. These guys don't mess about. :notworthy

This program is NOT for the untrained, overweight, sedentiary slob which is the average audio engineer. Actually this program isn't even suited for the average guy who goes to the gym 2-3 times a week. Anyone who tries this at home without a certain amount of preparation will fail miserably ...
It would take the average person in GOOD physical shape 5-6 days a week training for around 6 months to be fit enough to start that sort of training.
I'm in the process of getting 'cut' at the moment.

What I've done is a combo of the correct supplements, CUTTING THE FUCK OUT OF MY CARB INTAKE, and getting around 30-40 minutes of medium-impact cardio 6 - 7 days a week (usually around 3 miles a day) and I lift weights just a bit before every run. Push-ups, around 40 or 50 a day, in sets of 13. Whenever I'm feeling down. Practice this religiously.

I'm also using a thermogenic (google if you don't know), in ******ycut Hardcore. I take it an hour or so before my cardio sessions as it has tons of caffeine which raises pain tolerance and of course gives you more energy to push on.

I wasn't super heavy to begin with but I WAS overweight by about 15 lbs and had absolutely NO definition.

When I started this I was 195, 6"2. I now weigh 155 and get compliments like a bastard. My whole body is getting super toned from the cardio and I feel excellent.

I've done tons of research on this so PM if you'd like. Start your cardio out slow but make SURE to get at LEAST 10 minutes a day and NO MORE than 45 min.

I take the amino-acid L-Glutamine an hour before a cardio sessions and another dose immediately after to help with recovery (VERY IMPORTANT). It helps your body burn FAT instead of going for the muscle when it's low on energy, which tones you up big time.

Also 1 or 2 Whey Protein shakes a day. My diet consists of mostly boneless, skinless chicken breast, eggs, various cheeses, nuts and most any meats really.

Absolutely no breads, rice, etc in my diet to speak of. It's a bitch at first but I feel great.

Sorry for ranting. :rock:

This is basicly the way to do it!
I do more weightlifting then cardio though because my weight is fine anyway, i have to eat more to gain more actually.
That, and i want to be a big buff viking man with huge muscles a beard and maybe a small beerbelly hehe
cool thread i'd like to add that i had family heart and cholesterol and diabetes problems so when i was like 20 i was a bit overweight after being very athletic in high school. multiple surgeries from sports injuries forced me to sit on my ass at home for almost a year and eat and going into college i gained weight going from like 210 muscle to 265 fat. so needless to say i was big boy and as i worked all day and went to school and then subsequently worked more and more i had no time for any exercise or anything and ate like shit. went to doctor once and had high cholesterol and he recommended that i look into it. my lifestyle took a total 180 tunraround and i started slowly going into not eating meat. aside from the health reasons i slowly developed moral reasons as well for this. so anyway after a steady 6 months or so of eating free range stuff and mostly organic food. once i took the plunge in vegetarian level. i decided to do it with caution because, well, i used to eat tons of meat. i spoke about it with my doctor and he recommended me to a nutritionist and both of them as well as countless research i did indicated that as long as i eat the right things there are no health issues with not eating meat. that was 2 years ago and since then i have lost 65 pounds and am down to 200 and i couldn't even be healthier. my cholesterol dropped literally in half, i get checked every so often blood tests this and that and i have no deficiency for protein or anything like that. i eat plenty of beans, soy stuff, nuts, etc and rarely eat out. i am not a total anal person like i realize if i eat at a restaurant they probably do stuff with eggs and cheese and i am fine with it because the way i see it there is no use in being totally psycho about it and i kind of live upto a role that i feel like would make the world a better place. i eat fish very very rarely and i buy eggs and milk from farms in the northeast region so i go out of my way to make sure i am getting good stuff. that said i am very happy with my lifestyle and i feel that as long as people tread carefully into the world of vegetarianism there is no major harm as long as you eat the right diet so make up for what you don't get by not eating meat.

as far as dieting i really feel that it is bullshit and the only "true" way of dieting is to change your lifestyle. i think people are very lazy when it comes to their health and especially being engineers yes we sit on our asses all day but engineers dieting aside it is so important for people to understand what we are putting inside our bodies. people are so far removed from their food sources the have a hard time truly understanding what is what. i think a little time out to go shopping and buying quality stuff and making your own lunch and stuff goes a long way. i usually take my own food or lucky for me there are PLENTY of health food stores with vegetarian food as well as just healthy food that i can go buy lunch at in the new york area. 10 minutes from my studio there is a spot called 'health nuts' and they have killer salads and all different things that they make which taste great, is cheap, and is very clean.

sorry for long post
Interesting thread, I quit the whole meat thing 3 years ago nearly, got down the gym 3 - 4 times a week and feeling a damn sight better for it. Still have a problem with beer consumption come Saturday, but cutting down on beer, bread and other starchy carbs helps no end. I remember Rich Ward going for total carb depletion on the Headhunter album and he couldn't focus on the simplest of riffs.
........i buy eggs and milk from farms in the northeast region so i go out of my way to make sure i am getting good stuff. that said i am very happy with my lifestyle and i feel that as long as people tread carefully into the world of vegetarianism there is no major harm as long as you eat the right diet so make up for what you don't get by not eating meat.

Sorry to ask this:
you don't eat meat because of all the shit that farmers let the animals eat, so basically a healthy reason or just because you don't want animals suffer when it's time, after they grow up, to kill them ?
I eat meat, I hate the way they treat animals, but I don't have the balls to quit eating meat! I should do it!
It seems a stupid thing but changing the way you eat is not that easy, well it's really hard.
I was depressed when they told me that in order to stop having some "problems with my intestine" I should stop: drink milk, eating cheese
non-wholemeal flour, sugar and beer.
Beer wasn't a big problem I stopped drinking a tons of that years ago, once in a while can't kill you.
I starting eating brown bread, stop eating cheese and milk, but I couldn't start eating cane sugar, I hate cane sugar. Fuck that! ;)
Sorry to ask this:
you don't eat meat because of all the shit that farmers let the animals eat, so basically a healthy reason or just because you don't want animals suffer when it's time, after they grow up, to kill them ?
I eat meat, I hate the way they treat animals, but I don't have the balls to quit eating meat! I should do it!
It seems a stupid thing but changing the way you eat is not that easy, well it's really hard.
I was depressed when they told me that in order to stop having some "problems with my intestine" I should stop: drink milk, eating cheese
non-wholemeal flour, sugar and beer.
Beer wasn't a big problem I stopped drinking a tons of that years ago, once in a while can't kill you.
I starting eating brown bread, stop eating cheese and milk, but I couldn't start eating cane sugar, I hate cane sugar. Fuck that! ;)

well it started out due to the health issues then it kind of morphed into the ethical aspect. over time the caring for the animals part has won me over i mean not like it makes a difference which reason is 1 and which is 2 but its a mix of both i guess. kind of like a one thing lead to another deal
My diet is simply cut the crap. Whole wheat breads (got into milling my own wheat, actually), no enriched white wheat, if you can don't consume artificial...well...artificial anything. Colors, flavors, preservatives, etc. It's a stretch for me so I don't do it often, but when I can afford to I get farm fresh/local milk and eggs. I'm not looking to loose weight (trying to gain rather) so I eat a lot of carbs and lots of protein.

Weight lifting schedule is regular, although I'm gonna change it up. The guy I was lifting weights got me seeing gains like the crazy by the numbers (upped my bench press 20 pounds in two weeks) but saw little results physically. Essentially I was doing a lot of 3 set workouts with 12 reps each. I naturally get 'cut' as it were, so I'll be changing to pyramiding and/or lighter weight with more reps.

When I can't take 2 hours to lift weights I'll try and do some basic metabolic instead. That way I'm at least not losing the weight, just maintaining what I get.

I'm thinking about starting up some creatine. Anyone else take this on a regular basis?
creatine makes a big difference for me as its naturally found in meat, my twin brother however (yes I'm that cool they made 2 of me) says he doesn't see much result from it, tho he's ripped and scoffing meat like its going out of fashion. You should try GVT (german vol training 10 sets of 10 slowish reps, minutes break inbetween) if you fancy a change, I was hurting like a bastard when I started doing that.
For me, regular powder creatine never made any difference at all. However, those newer creatine powders (the one´s that usually have some fruit flavor and larger dosage) are the bomb. Last time i used creatine, I think it was something called Horse power, I gained approx. 13 pounds in two weeks. It was probably mostly water, but I noticed a real increase in strenght! There is a downside.. Since it contains a lot of sugar and probably other chemical stuff, you better not have a sensitive stomach, or this shit will tear your ass apart!
Back when I was 16, I was weightlifting and started taking Creatine (EAS Phosphagen XT, the most concentrated and potent they had at the time), and after a couple of weeks, I started secreting excess ammonia from my liver which caused me and everything I touched to reek of cat piss - then I had a puking fest for a few days, and didn't exercise regularly again until a little before I turned 19, and have been regularly ever since (I'm now almost exactly 21 1/2) :) Haven't tried Creatine since then, protein works fine for me.
creatine makes a big difference for me as its naturally found in meat, my twin brother however (yes I'm that cool they made 2 of me) says he doesn't see much result from it, tho he's ripped and scoffing meat like its going out of fashion. You should try GVT (german vol training 10 sets of 10 slowish reps, minutes break inbetween) if you fancy a change, I was hurting like a bastard when I started doing that.

so wait you don't eat meat?
fuck i sit in front of a computer like 12- 14 hrs a day some days (geek lol) on top of that, i usually eat something fast, or pick something up from a fast food joint. its hard to have a job, and mix and record albums cause you have like 0 hrs a day to your self and dont have time to grocery shop as much. soon i will be a fat, w o w playing, food stains on my shirt, hasnt gotten laid in 20 yrs geek. jeez i need to change my lifestyle!!! the wobly pops prolly dont help much either.
Creatine will work if you train with weights rather heavily.... and also with creatine supplementation you have to drink a lot of water.
With proper diet and training and supplements, I put on 35 pounds of muscle in a year.
With creatine you mean that stuff you diluite with water that weight lifters drink?
My suggestion don't drink that shit, just search the web and read some stuff lol
My buddy used to go to gym and that shit was hurting him!

Urban legends and internet myth. I've even read that football player's died after taking creatine. But nobody mentioned the insane amounts of steroids they used ...

Creatine is one of you body's own substances. It is also present in regular food (like meat) and in every one of your cells. Metaltastic's ammonia problem stems from an abundance of protein, not from Creatine.

There has never been ANY clinical evidence linking creatine to liver failure or any other side effects other than muscle cramps which can happen if you dehydrate ...