
Also, I thought it was illegal...

And smy, I actually had been working out & eating a high protein diet for like 2 1/2 months before I even started the creatine, and when I did, I didn't increase my protein intake at all, so I'm pretty certain it was the Phosphagen that did it.
Creatine will work if you train with weights rather heavily.... and also with creatine supplementation you have to drink a lot of water.
With proper diet and training and supplements, I put on 35 pounds of muscle in a year.

DAMN DUDE - how old/tall are you, and how much do you weigh now?
18 years old now,
6'2 200 lbs.

I'm leaning out for a bit and then I'd like to get up to 230. Long long long term goal of course.
HOWEVER this time I'm going to do it very slowly, which it will be anyway but I'm going to try to keep it slow.