Difference between Ddrum redshots and Pros

The Unavoidable

May 27, 2008
Umeå, Sweden
Heya, is there any significant difference in audio and quality between ddrum redshot triggers and the pro version? Since the redshots are alot cheaper I assume there is, but it's just triggers, how big of a difference can there be?

Also, how would you say that an SM57 would work on toms?
From what I gather the Redshots are less robust. They are cheaper, but after being hit and used a few times, you will probably end up buying each Redshot 3 times instead of just buying a Pro once.

SM57's can sound great on toms, I use them on mine, but most will say they prefer the 421 on toms overall though.
Heya, is there any significant difference in audio and quality between ddrum redshot triggers and the pro version? Since the redshots are alot cheaper I assume there is, but it's just triggers, how big of a difference can there be?

Also, how would you say that an SM57 would work on toms?
We have customers ranging from the pro user endorsers Like Adrian Earlandson and Marthus from Cradle to the guys on a budget using redshots
all the guys who know how to set sensitivity and lockout seem to get the same results with either here. Only problem is you need to retune the kick each time you take the trigger off and on, not a huge headache!.
I personally love older SM 57 betas on toms more than even MD421 or 441.
The old unidine 3 type SM 57 is good too you just need to eq it a bit more than the beta for me but its a good mic and its down to personal taste anyway. What type of mic pre makes a big big difference too.
Glad you have real mics for real toms, too rare round these parts nowadays!
I guess it's due to the frequency response of the mics. The 57 is more a midspike, while the 421 is more like a smiley curve. I guess it depends on which type of tom sound you're looking for.

Seems completely reasonable to me. I actually have a single 421, but I have four toms. And I have about 10 SM57s, so it's just a matter of supply and demand for me.

I have however taken samples of my toms with the single 421, and I will often blend the 421 samples in with the microphone signals from SM57s depending on what I need for a sound.
Michael Wagener picks 58's for toms, and we all know they're for all intents and purposes the same as 57's - also, I've used 'em with decent results, they're certainly tolerable until you can afford some 421's!
Can't say I'm a massive fan of 57's on toms myself. They pick up alot of attack and not a whole lot of low end. Can get decent results with some eq though. I'd take a I5 over a 57 any day though for toms.

58's are ok too, the basket design seems to make them a bit darker. I much prefer Sennheisers on toms though (E904/906/606/609)
I normally trigger the toms because most of the stuff i do is more on the metal side but when a pop punk band came in to do their album i decide to mic the drumset as it had been a while since i mic'd a full drumset. I would have loved to use 421's again but im broke as hell haha so i was going to use 57's. When the day came i set up all the mics and realized i had lent out on of my 57's so i improvised and threw a d112 on the floor tom. As i was bringing up the levels I was telling the drummer that was not my ideal mic setup at all and if it sounded like shit we could just replace them, but when he hit the toms our jaws dropped. They sounded massive, so i'd now totally recommend a 57 on toms...even a d112 on floor toms. Granted though this guy had an SJC custom drum set tuned to perfection but it came out much MUCH better than i expected.
Thanks alot for all the responses!

Sure, I would love to use 421s on toms since many delicious tom sounds have been made with em, but you can like 4-5 57s for the price of ONE 421s, so the choice is obvious! Thanks again, this really helped me out!