Difference Between Rock and Metal

Rock = expectation of repeated pattern
Metal = waiting to break the pattern
Rock = harmony
Metal = melody (or not)
Rock = simple song structures
Metal = epic song structures

Rock is garbage, metal is not.

Look here, another one of those closed-minded retards.

First of all not all Rock is repetetive, and not all Metal is repetetive, there is repetetive Metal and Rock like all music. Walk by Pantera pretty much uses the same riff the entire song. And bands like Fallout boy do that kind of thing too. And I don't understand how a song structure can be "epic". And song structures really can't be described as simple or complicated.

This thread is looking for real differences between not Rock and Metal. Not opinional ones like yours clearly were.

You come across as one of those Metal N00bs who thinks they look so unique and cool for liking a genre that most people don't seem to. And start measuring bands by how loud they are rather than their quality, and like saying Metal beats all other genres when they can.